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Baffled about an Ex. What he meant?

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Ive been chatting with an ex of mine for months now on the phone he had me take this test on OKCupid.com and wanted me to see if we were a match on there.Hes a member in the site.Why would he want that?Im baffled on that part. We havent seen each other in years.We,re both in our thirties now ,so whats the point ?

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did you dump him?


if so maybe then he is trying to show you he thinks you two are perfect for each other!


if he dumped you and you are pursuing him?...


he maybe telling you that you cannot just work together as a couple


then again what do i know?


and what does OKCupid.com know except to take your credit card details!



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Nope OKCupid.com is a free dating or friends site depending on what you want no money.He cheated years ago Im sorry to say So we ended it I guess it was a mutual thing just went apart since then he did ask five years after the fact for me to forgive which I did .And I didnt think I could So I guess I amazed myself on that.Its been 14yrs total since we were together yes long time .But that was then this is now were grown.Im still baffled why would he want me to take a test to see if were a match.

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whooooaaaaaaaaaaaaa OK 14 years!!!!!


different ballgame...


all i can think of is that he is still interested in you romantically....


otherwise he wouldn't be doing this as he isn't a teenager but hopefully a mature fellow


conclusion: he still is interested in getting back with you



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