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A facebook question

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This really didn't bother me at all but I don't understand why she did this. I'm still friends with my ex on facebook and last night she put up a status first one was "out<3" and the other one was "lalalala vodka and jager". However I looked this morning and she deleted them... why would you do that? is she trying to get to me? I haven't put up any statuses up at all about anything. All I did was send her a text saying "thank you for replying back to my email and I think it would be best if I don't see you on my birthday and to take care".


I'm just curious

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Dude, as Cakes says, delete her from your friends list. You dont need to be chewing yourself up over this type of stuff.


Who knows why she posted those things and then deleted them, there could be a number of reasons;


she wanted you to know she's out partying and having fun without you [i bet you think it's this one]


she's feeling rough and isn't doing what she said she was going to do, so to cover her tracks has removed evidence that she out getting drunk.


Who knows, who cares.

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I agree with the others. She's your ex for a reason so why would you still want her as a friend on facebook?? I've known facebook to break up some couples and it's not pretty. So maybe you should just delete her and go on with your life and not worry about what she's writing

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Weird. I'm friends with all of my exes.


Although it doesn't bother me when they put up ambiguous notices on facebook, twitter, and the like.

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Weird. I'm friends with all of my exes.


Although it doesn't bother me when they put up ambiguous notices on facebook, twitter, and the like.


It sounds like you're made of sterner stuff than most of us then.


Like the OP, I would question what's behind everything my ex put on there, especially the more cryptic updates. I soon learned I just HAD to delete and block her, for my own good. OP, you say it doesn't bother you, but I think it did, as you wouldn't be asking for opinions here otherwise. If it really didn't bother you, you'd just think "meh" and then forget about it...


I think if you still harbour feelings for your ex, you have to delete/block from FB. Whatever you see, it will only hurt you or set your mind racing.

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I agree with the others who said to just delete her. I am friends with a few exs on facebook, but this is like years and years later after the breakup, I am now married and so are they.


Until you get over your break up completely, delete her off facebook. Then you won't be tempted to analyze everything she does on there.

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Why people do so many things we don't know, and the only way to find out is to ask. In your case it doesn't really matter why she did that, you're doing great without her.

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