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So now! What does this mean? Frustrated!

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So to try cut a long story short, met a guy at volunteering. Attraction was obvious between us. He's really nice and always asks me things. He contacted me on facebook a few days ago and asked how my kids and i are and was i coming back to volunteering.


we ended up messaging back and forward a bit and then yesterday he asked me if i am single and if so why? he wanted to know What guy would have let me go from their life.


i explained things briefly and he told me a bit about his part relationship.


then proceeds to say So can we be friends? Then invites me to a music party on saturday... What?!?


So does he want to be friends and get to know me more or has he made up his mind that he wouldn't date me? i am attracted to him and although i want to be mature about this i really dont want to invest time and energy to a guy i like to just be friends.


not sure what to do...

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What's the harm in enjoying one night of potentially good music with a new guy? It may be that he's just shy about coming right out and asking for a date, or possibly he is trying to avoid scaring you off. Even if that's not the case, you should be able to know before the night is up wether he wants more or not. I say give it a shot. :)



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