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My baby wants a break ! Do u think she will come back ?

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My girlfriend and I have been going out for 1 1/2 almost 2 years. Her B-day was 2 weeks ago, so I took her out shopping for her B-day got her a bunch of clothes and stuff. I went to eat with her parents and family that night. Late in the that particular week she told me she wanted a break. She wasn't answering many phone calls, but she would call me back. She always told me if I was in pain, she would comfort me, so later in that week I had some family issues that I felt devastated about. She told me to comeover, and she would comfort me, So I did. When I was over there, we talked about my family issues, and then after that we talked about our relationship. She told me that making LOVE wasn't there anymore, which I really don't get. She also told me I am being to protective, and that I am not letting her hang out with her friends. She would always tell me that I frustrate her, but she continously says she loves me. Anyway, she was supposed to move in with me this summer, but she was kind of getting scared because she is only 19 years old. She says that if the right guy came along that maybe she would hook up with him, but I dont know how a girl could get into another relationship after being with someone for 2 years.


Then last night, she was working.. and I was thinking of her and as a suprise I took some of her favorite flowers over to her house, and sat them on her doorstep. We talked that night, and she was kind of sad, and we said good night, and she told me she loves me. She said that if we didn't get back together we would always be the best of friends, and she would always love me.


The next day, I dropped some Britany Spears tickets over to her house, which Britany is her favorite singer. So I thought I would cheer her up, by giving her these tickets. She had some laundry to do, so we took them up to the laundry mat. At the laundry mat, she noticed I was upset. She told me that everything would be OK, and there could be a possibility to get back together. I then began to tell her that it was my fault in ruining the relationship because I wanted to see her every night, and do something with her, and she was getting tired of that. She is 19 years old, and she doesnt want a relationship that is like husband-wife. Anyway after the laundry mat, we went back to her place, and I told her a few last words. I said, "If we were to ever get back together, I would be totally different". I also told her that I would be there for her at anytime, and she replied, "I will do the same". I told her that she will be #1 in my heart always, and that I would talk to her sometime. We hugged and she said I love you, and I said the same back.


I hope she will comeback, I really love her and she really loves me. Are 2 year anniversary is in 2 months, do u think I have a chance of getting back together with her? Do you think I tried try to call her in about 8-9 days? What should I do?I dont know guys, I am very confused, and heart broken.


Have a great day,


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She also told me I am being to protective, and that I am not letting her hang out with her friends.


It sounds like your girl just isn't ready to settle down. She was only 17 when you guys got together and she wants to enjoy other things (and (sorry) people (read: men) before settling down).


she really loves me No doubt she does love you, doesn't sound like she's 'in' love with you any more though.


do u think I have a chance of getting back together with her? Probably not. At least not for the moment, it looks like she wants you for friendship and laundry trips only now.


What should I do? Do a search here at LS under 'no contact'. Read everything on all the threads.


Do you think I tried try to call her in about 8-9 days? No.


I really love her I know and I'm sorry but sometimes love just isn't enough. Stop going around and 'hugging' her, stop buying her gifts and trying to do the 'friendship' thing at least for a while because it's only causing you more pain.


I said, "If we were to ever get back together, I would be totally different". Although you can suffocate a person by being overly possessive, wanting to see someone doesn't constitute 'ruining' a relationship. Never promise to change what you are to make someone happy, it's not only impossible to do it's also sad and pathetic. Sad and pathetic never got an old lover back.


Go find someone that wants to be with you as much as you want to be with them. Go find a woman that can't get enough of you! That's crazy mad insane for you!! And for Godsake man, do yourself and the world a favour and find a woman that would never, ever EVER go to a Britney Spears concert!

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do u think I have a chance of getting back together with her?


Don't ask these questions.


I have done it myself and while reading the responses (such as the one above) all you end up doing is ripping your own heart in two and crying while reading

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A "break" is almost always a "break up". If the relationship could have been saved she would have worked things out with you while remaining in it. To me it sounds as though she is being silly, attempting to spare you from harm when in fact she is adding fuel to the coming fire.

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