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So i went out tonight. A friend of mine came in from out of town. My gf and her friend are already downtown. Me and my friend go downtown and we all meet up. My gf's friend leaves early because she is drunk. My gf and my friend had also been drinking i wasn't however. So on the way back my gf is in the front seat and my friend is in the back. So my gf kisses me good night on the lips. Then she gets out and then my friend gets out to sit in the front seat. Before he sits in the front seat him and me gf say it was nice meeting you and such and then my gf kisses him on the lips too?(it wasnt a make out session or anything) is this normal? I thought maybe a peck on the check was normal, if that? Shaking hands? Before today my gf never meet my friend.


thoughts please..not sure what to make of this


btw my gf's friend if also a girl if that makes any difference

Edited by somuchforthat
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If the roles were reversed how would your girlfriend feel if you kissed another girl you just met on the lips in front of her?


i don't think she would be too thrilled with me. I just wanted to get some thoughts from others. Im not sure what to make of the situation.

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