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Is this girl into me or a tease?

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Known this girl for 4 years. Met her online in a video game. She lives ~1100 miles away.


We've had some good times and some bad times.


I think she's into me, but I dont know if she is just a tease.


She's done stupid things in the distant past like sext me when she had a boyfriend. I felt it was inappropriate and left the friendship for about half a year.


Boyfriend broke up with her 7 mos ago. Just been a friend lending support since then.


3 weeks ago we have a nasty fight over something stupid I did. Basically I got a little bit sexual over a joke and she took it the wrong way and misinterpreted the previous behavior over her sexting and logged off on me in the middle of the conversation.


Most intense fight yet of our friendship. Some very nasty words were flung and lots of verbal abuse. After about 2 days at the end of it all I apologized and we just had a day hanging out online and she said that she was "Glad that we made up, I missed you." Twice.


5 days ago, I found out that she had a boyfriend.


She seems to not want to tell me anything about him. She didnt even tell me she in a relationship. I had to read through Facebook. When I asked her about it she said "Oh I thought you didnt care about stuff like that."


Is this normal? Or is she afraid I'm jealous or something? She tells me almost everything else, how she got a job, what she's up to in school, etc etc.


I know this post sounds like she is a very bad person, but I just have left out the good parts.


I'm going to tell her my feelings tomorrow directly. Just wondering what the LS community has to say about her and any tips and advice would be useful too.

Edited by DoesSheKnow
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You can tell her your feelings, but it's not going to change anything. She sees you as a friend and nothing more. When you tell her, be prepared to end the friendship. You cannot stay where you are with your feelings. You will always be jealous, you will always say something stupid because you aren't thinking clearly.

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