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month break

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I am UNABLE to call him-- I had a relationship in the past where the breakup was over the phone and I cannot bring


myself to call and ask. Any other suggestions? I cannot


handle another verbal rejection over the phone.

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You could see him. However, if you do go see him, it is more likely to drive him away if he doesn't want to be with you. I would call him and not even bring up the mbreak at all. Just call and ask him how he is doing and see if he wants to do anything. If he says yes, plan on talking about it face to face. If he says no, write him off as a coward that you wouldn't want to be with anyway. I hope that helps.

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See my response below. You are absolutely, 100 percent correct. DO NOT CALL HIM UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, NOT EVEN TO WARN HIM OF GLOVAL THERMONUCLEAR WAR.


As I pointed out in my post below to you, it would be sickening and far neneath the dignity of any lady to have to call a guy to ask him if he's ready for her to be back in his life.


This guy is a worthless chump. Eactly what feelings could you possible have for a guy who found the need to take a vacation from you??? He just doesn't deserve you. YUK!!!

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I made the assumption you were wanting to call so that you could put an end to the waiting. I agree with HelpMe and Tony that the b/f's lack of response is a very loud answer already (what a cowardly, disrespectful way to avoid a breakup!).


My initial response to you was to make the call. I thought, then, that calling might be somewhat empowering to you, officially ending your wait by telling him "Times up. Goodbye. I'm moving on."


BUT... if you're wanting to call to meekly ask "do you still love me, then by all means DO NOT CALL! Do not lower yourself to that desperate unsightly level.


Open your sweet eyes and examine the hope you hold. From this side of the story, I see no basis to hope for love with this cowardly fellow. Make sure you don't deceive yourself with wishful thinking.


Call some friends and make weekend plans so you avoid pining away for him and waiting for phone calls that do not come. Your life will be better once you close the door on him. It really will.

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