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Nicotine may fight ADD And "old-timers"

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i was out smoking and one of my coworkers said that they have found a link between nocotine and ADD and alzhimers, and that the FDA is looking into a nicotine drug that will hopefully help fighht these things.....


interesting...and no i am not condoning smoking....smoking is bad.

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That would be TOO COOL if it proves to be true!


My lungs would still be shot to hell....but my brain would be humming! LOL!

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There are plenty of excellent treatments for ADD already, and great strides are being made in Alzheimer's research.

I seriously doubt that there's a link between ADD and Alzheimer's.

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It's just like any other drug out there. It may cure 1 thing but has side effects that you may need more drugs to get rid of. Then they wonder why older people take 15 pills for breakfast 10 for lunch another 8 for supper and 12 b4 bed. Thats not including the medical drink mixes, liquid meds, injections, enemas and IV's. I kind of wonder if all of these so called meds aren't really a human bomb the slowly poisons us. Mix some of your house hold cleaners and you have a bomb. Mix all the chemicals that the doctor tells you to take in a day and what do you get?

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well i am sure the smoker do not live long enough to get alzhimers

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