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boyfriend's jealous sister

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Boyfriend's and their jealous sisters Post: 4 | Quote:


I searched the web for the same exact problem, and here I am....


What you are experiencing is obviously the sister's jealousy. Isn't really creepy how the situation can be turned around and you are seen as the jealous and petty one?! It is a horrible feeling to know that someone has to make a choice; either you to stay with him, or him between you and his sister/family.


I agree with the other posts that for a lot of men, blood is thicker than water. So sad.


If it's any consolation at all, know that you will someday find someone who most likely won't have such an extreme close relationship with his sister. You wouldn't want that anyway...too much stress and heartache.


In my relationship, my boyfriend doesn't sleep with his sister (ick), but he loves his sister very much and values her advice. I have been nothing but really nice to her; she has been spoiled, rude, and passive aggressive, which I can't stand. she is a poser (crows about artsey independent movies,says people who don't like them are "stupid," but yet she spends hundreds of dollars on designer clothes). Through the years, I have been nothing but nice to her in hopes of gaining her approval and her support of my relationship with her brother.


I don't know why I even wasted my effort. She in turn tells him and her family that I'm "high maintenance" and demanding. she calls during hallmark holidays to ask what he got me, and then she tells him that he should not have to get me anything.


Get this: she told him not to get me a diamond engagement ring because of the blood diamond situation in the congo, where money from the diamond trade is funneled to support civil war. she says I'm materialistic because we were shopping for a diamond engagment ring. Like tell me ladies, what woman in this world would not wish to have a diamond engagement ring when they are being asked for her hand in marriage??!!


she had a big fight with their other brother, so they haven't talked in 2 years, so all she has is my boyfriend. she hasn't had a boyfriend in years. she is really cold to me when I see her, and she is the only daughter in the family, so you can guess what an influence she has on his mother and him. It is a bad sign. I can't wait in my life anymore for a guy to love me the way we deserve to be loved, so I know that if my boyfriend will be swayed by this ridiculousness, then he deserves them.


a few weeks ago, he said to me: You hate my sister don't you...you call her a poser. Well, I said to him, did it ever occur to you that she Hates ME and lthat she is jealous of the attention you give me? he said no, she wouldn't do that. Well, I pointed out that she used to criticize his ex-fiancee.


Ofcourse I feel insecure about the situation, because I have gone through the same hell of another boyfriend choosing his mother (who hated me because of my ethnicity) over me.


so, dear, I feel for your pain. it is good that you are out of that sick situation, which is a no win situation. you will find a guy that will love you and make you number one in his life. that is what you deserve. it is what we all deserve. so, know that the only thing you did wrong was not dumping the guy earlier.

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I'm pretty concerned about the way the diamond trade fuels instability in parts of Africa. I would think twice before buying a diamond today. This is a choice each person must make for him/herself, of course.

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