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1st date - after


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I had a first date w/ a girl one night. The night went really well (or at least it seemed) until after dinner. I was a bit distant - or at least I may have been b/c I had something on my mind. At the end of the night, I was getting ready to go in the kiss & I get a hug and a "call me later" instead. Should I have called her the next day & said I had a good time, setting up another date OR waited it out for a few days OR bag it all together b/c of the hug? A hug! That sucked.

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If you like her, you should have called. It's not uncommon for some people not to want to kiss after a first date. If you don't like that in a girl, then it's probably better that you move on.

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Call her. Maybe she's just not the type to kiss on a first date. If she had zero interest in seeing you again, she would've said something more along the lines of "Thanks for taking me out," and left it at that. Anyways, if it's been a few days since you've spoken to her, she's probably on this board asking why you haven't called her back yet.

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What the hell did you expect? There is nothing wrong with a hug or even a handshake at the end of a first date. Would you really want to date a girl that is going to give it up that easily? Enjoy the anticipation.


If you really like her and want to see her again, give her a call. It doesn't matter if it is the next day or a few days later. Girls generally don't think about the "time" thing that much. However, don't wait longer than a week. She'll either think you're not interested or may think that you are a "player".


Good luck!

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