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Letting Go


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You guys all heard about my breakup 5 days ago.


Well now I am about to go on holidays for 2 weeks to get away from the person I have spent the last 9 months spending almost every day with (I had planned 1 week, but I have decided to extend it to two)


I told her a short time ago that I will be going on holidays and that this would be the last time we would see each other until then.


I think it is the only way I will get over the pain and hurt of seeing her around while she steadily downgrades our relationship. No more downgrading, I'm outta here.


I would agree with Tony that I am still addicted to her, but I am a lot better than I was 3 months ago. 3 months ago I would think of her all the time, now I only thnk of her when it is the early evening when plans are made to go out.


It is very hard when I see her, because she becomes instantly flirtatious when I try and take my attention away from her, and then becomes distant and hard eyed when I do pay attention to her. It is impossible to feel comfortable under these circumstances. Upon my return, when I have a clear mind, I plan to spend no more time with her at all unless in the group situation (because we work in the same building and have many common friends). I will not return her phone calls if she tries to call me within the next two weeks.


I just hope I can heal, because my stomach feels light and my mind is scattered. I feel so lousy.

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More than likely, the healing process will take more than your two weeks of holiday but you will gradually get better. I urge you to dramatically reduce or completely cease any kind of interaction with her, even at work, no matter how many friends you have in common.


In time, you will be able to say hello to her and not feel a thing...you have my guarantee!!!

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