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Help pls , how can i stop thinkin bout the person im goin out wiv !


She says she doesnt like too much lovey dovey but thats what im gd at :love: and im scared that i wil lose her if she knows i always fink bout her


I get an aching heart all the time wen im not wiv her , am i wierd or obssesd


Please help me

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just make sure you keep yourself too - make sure you still play sports, have good relationships with your friends and family, and have interests and hobbies.

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As long as you've resisted the temptation to use a burlap sack and dumplings, I cannot find any evidence in the post that your particularly "weird." :p

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she knows i always fink bout her


Finking about someone so much that you forget who you are can be a bad thing for your relationship. If your world completely revolves around her - you will cease to be the person she fell in like with (or whatever) in the first place.


Um, so what jenny said.



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she tells me that she cant beleive that we are going out because im really good lookin and my personality kicks ass but i get paranoid sumtimes


i fink she hides her feelings sumtimes bcoz she was hurt in the past , mayb we like each other the same and shes got a beta way of handling it , wot shud i do


she had a crush on me for a year and we neva spoke , im happy wiv the way its goin at mo i just need to make sure i dont fall into a hole of where i cnt get out

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does she really, really, like phonetics?

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dude, chill. you did get help. i'm just having a little fun with your writing style, consider it gentle teasing that indicates your among friends. cheers, babies! :)

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yeah well u dnt no how hard it is , i kinda no shes mad about me i just need to hear it frm her every now and again , wot is phonetics n e way?is that sum sort of yanky joke

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it sort of refers to that style of typing which is actually totally common on forums and chat rooms - people shorten the words and just use the letters that make the sounds of the words.


if you focus on her too much, you will lose her. feel the rush for now, but play it cool. maintain other interests.

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Yeah well , i just gota play it by ear and let her ring me if she wnts to c me , its hard thou coz i know she wnts to c me alot but she 2 afraid 2 ask as she is one of them gurls who pretend they dnt care , oh i duno , im prob just paranoid



n e one who tells me im paranoid is probably in on the plot

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