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am i being too needy

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Hello everyone. i need some advice. I've been with my boyfriend for about 7 months now. He's the best boyfriend ive ever had. He's a great guy and i know that he does love and care about me, but im starting to feel that he doesnt want to see me as much as i want to see him. We live about 45 mins away from eachother, and when we do see eachother we meet eachother half way..i leave my car at a friends and he drives us back to his house, i sleep over and he takes me back to my car in the morning then we both go straight to work. The problem is- im usually the one to ask to see him. and there are sometimes when he says "no not tonight babe, im sorry." i know it has nothing to do with sex. because theres times that i sleep over and we dont even have sex.so its not like he only wants to see me because he wants to get laid. Also he does have a one year old son. He doesnt live with him. and he works 40 hours a week. anyways.. hes never really been in a serious relationship. Im the type of girl that loves being with my guy pretty often. And its clear that hes not that type. but it does hurt me that he rarley asks to see me. Also theres times that he doesnt call me and when i call him he says he'll call me back in a few mins but he takes hours. I highly doubt that hes being unfaithful. but it really does hurt that i always want to be with him and talk to him and he obviously doesnt feel the same way. i would love to see im at least 3 times a week and one day out of the weekend. is that too much to ask or am i being to clingy? im starting to feel that im smoothering him but what am i supposed to do when i want to spend time with him but he doesnt want to give me more of his time. I dont know what to do. I've talked to him about this a few times. He listened to me and told me he'd change it because he doesnt want to loose me. He has changed a little but its not enough. I cant bring it up to him again. im trying to avoid nagging him. i dont want to push him away more than i already have because ive mentioned this to him so many times. DO you think ive i back off he'll want to be around me more? im really stuck on this. Or maybe he cant give me what i want out of the relationship. i want to be around him more, i want to become closer. Am i forcing it? What do you guys think??

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I've acted that way to a girl before and it was because I wasn't 100% committed or looking to be 100% committed. I was happy to see once or twice a week, similar to what your boyfriend is doing.


I would suggest you go a bit quiet with him. Maybe cancel on him once and see how he responds. Sadly he may be like I was and not really into the relationship, but then again he may just be happy with you making all the moves, so if you back off a little it may push him to respond.

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I would have to agree with smudge unfortunately. It sounds like he just isn't into the relationship. I would start out with making yourself "less available" and stop doing all the intiating of contact. If he doesn't step it up then he just isn't into you. At least you'll know and can move on to someone who will want a comittment.

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