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Best friends? in love or not?

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hi, I have this friend of mine for three years. He's my bestfriend. He's always


there beside me thru ups and downs. Well we became friends because he


chose me to be his friend. We hang out a lot. The story happens last year.


My Bestfriend is in a serious long distance relationship for four years. And


during the 3rd year of their relationship I came into his life as his friend. He


first showed me so much care and concern to the point that he'll never leave


me even at thewee hours of the day when I have overnights somewhere.


He did that several times. He'll drop everyhing just to be with me even if it's


not included in his plans for the day. We had several sleepover at our


friends house and he made it a point to sleep beside me without being so


intimate. At first it was nothing to me until he compared me to his girlfriend.


He tells me that I'm better than his girlfriend and so I was like why are you


telling me that ( at the back of my mind ) Until one day I woke up knowing


that I'm in love with him. I kept it to myself for I am afraid to lose the


friendship. Days past and people can already tell that something is going


on between us but we both know that we're just friend because I know


for a fact that he is committed. We become so at ease with each other, we


share food in one plate, we sleep together during sleepovers ( no intimate


moments ), I do his laundry sometime and etc... Let's say we are doing the


things that lovers do except for kissing. So I fell deeply in love with him and


I have the feeling that he also love me because he will not do all those


things to me if he's not but he is committed so I convinced myself to forget


about the feelings. Then one day a friend of ours approach me and told me


that my bestfriend's 4 year relationship with his gf ended. I was surprised for


my bestfriend didn't inform me knowing that he vent to me almost everything


that is happening in his life. So I talked to him and he seems uncomfortable


talking about it so I just comforted him and gave him support. Then one day


during our sleepover he suddenly hugged me and I was shocked. Then I


stared at his eyes and he stares at me too... No words was said and we


just smiled at each other. But that day I am so confused. I wanted to ask him


what's going on between the two of us but I'm afraid. So we continue


doing the usual things that we do to each other. One night, during our


sleepover I slept on the couch at the sala and I was awaken by his voice


saying " Why are you sleeping here?" and he carried me down the floor and


he slept beside me. To make the long story short that night we became so


intimate. We almost have sex good thing I stopped him for I know it is a


huge mistake knowing that we're just friends. So I got mad at him and


asked him why and he simply apologizeda and said I know it's wrong and


I'm sorry. So the day after he even dropped me to my place eventhough


we're not in good terms. Days past and he called me saying his apologies


and stuffs. Then I asked him why? And he said I just want you to be aware


of those things ( Sex ) Upon hearing that I got really mad and I felt that it's


the right time to tell him that he's unfair for I love HIm and he said I don't


know what to say, I'm confused about everything... After that, about


a month we reconciled and until now I don't knoe if he got feelings for me.


Is it right to wait for him until his fears are gone? Or I don't deserve him?


Is he in love with me? please help me

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He might be afraid of what it will do to the friendship. If you want him go after him.

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