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So why is it mostly women complaining about men looking at women, but not the opp?

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I am very curious about this. It is mostly women getting upset. Is it that men just dont care as much? Women overreact too much? We feel threatened? Men really do look at women more than women look at men and gawk?

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We do look in a more obvious manner, and most of us are too dumb to notice that a girl is looking at other guys, if we knew we would be just as angry.

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Men are more visually oriented than women...perhaps a bit more polite as well...and don't usually look at men much when in the presence of other men. If there are stores around, they are far more likely to be looking for sales and specials than at men...it's a genetic thing.

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is shopping really a gender thing? or a gender- role thing, learned by society?

im thinking the latter

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I don't know whether it's that men look at women but how some of us look at women. Not all looking is equal. There's the unobtrusive side glance, which is effective, yet subtle. Then there's the cro-magnon up and down stare, which can be invasive and a bit intimidating depending on the guy and the setting.


Some looks are appreciative. Others are only to intimidate and establish control.


Women are much better at checking us out--more subtle, appreciative--than many guys are in checking them out. Men aren't that good at sexual subtlety.

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...And let's not forget the oh-so-subtle 'checking out the chin'...errrr Chick... in the rear view mirror just before slamming into the bumper in front of you.


My ex actually gave me a nasty case of whiplash with that sly move!


D*mn blondes!! :p

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If there are stores around, they are far more likely to be looking for sales and specials than at men...


LOL :laugh:


Unless we're in hormonal fog, that is!!!

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...And let's not forget the oh-so-subtle 'checking out the chin'...errrr Chick... in the rear view mirror just before slamming into the bumper in front of you.


My ex actually gave me a nasty case of whiplash with that sly move!



I actually dented the rear of my car when parking when I was momentarily distracted by a pretty blonde walking by. My wife and 12 year old son were in the car with me.


So embarassing. :o

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Originally posted by Sundaymorning

I am very curious about this. It is mostly women getting upset. Is it that men just dont care as much? Women overreact too much? We feel threatened? Men really do look at women more than women look at men and gawk?


It seems women get more upet over porn their men looking at porn than vice versa.


Maybe men don't care WHAT a woman does as long as the end result is her feeling horny.


SOME women seem to make a bigger deal out of the porn issue than there needs to be.


SOME women feel threatened by the sexual content of porn. I only feel threatened by all those firm thighs and perky breasts.


I work around mostly men. They look and GAWK at anything with a hint of fur and life.


Women are a little more picky and much more subtle......unless they are running in a pak thru the bars with enough liquor in them to kill a small moose.




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I once walked in front of a bus because I was distracted by a very nice man smiling at me :D


I don't notice much of a gender difference. When single everyone was very obvious. When in a relationship people are less so but the minority that behave as if single are mainly men. I think everyone notices it's just that some are very obvious in expressing what they notice. We've had a few women here at LS whose partners make explicit comments to them about other women. That would be a step too far for me.

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Originally posted by meanon

I once walked in front of a bus because I was distracted by a very nice man smiling at me :D


We've had a few women here at LS whose partners make explicit comments to them about other women. That would be a step too far for me.


...but it's okay that YOU were looking so hard you almost got smacked by a BUS??????


Ahhhhhh Meanon.....be FAIR! HAHAHAHAHA!

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LOL I was single!!!


And even if I wasn't it would surely have been poor taste to turn to my other half and say : Check out the Babe magnet over THERE, cute bum or what ?? LOL!!!!

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I work around mostly men. They look and GAWK at anything with a hint of fur and life.


Egad! The mind boggles. Arabess, what exactly were the side-effects you were suffering from hanging off ships? Do you have a coterie of fairly robust short-haired women or has the lack of women on the base caused those boys to turn to other species?




Or perhaps it's just that Navy men don't like the Brazilian wax? Please enlighten us!!! Enquiring minds want to know.

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My girlfriend looks at both sexes and can appreciate their beauty, or tell me which women look like skanks. There are no rules that say looking has to be sexual, but unfortunately, as Arabess pointed out in another post....,men have 2 brains, and the midbody brain drives our oogling moreso than our appreciation of fine art. I mean that men will notice a woman's gorgeous eyes, but not until we've talked to her "D"cups for 10 minutes. Women have less to survey at a glance on a man, and I believe that is what a woman notices first about men. The media has especially appealed to men looking at women as sexual creatures, which means that women have to be competitive to be noticed...at least in their own minds. Even on home improvement and cooking shows...you've got the average dressed guys (some portly) and their female counterparts who all seem to wear tight clothes with cleavage and make-up abounding.


In conclusion......I believe that women do look at men, but more appreciatvely or assessing what she is lacking to apeal to a guy like that. Men are more basic ....we want something in a 21 yr old body to undress and play with.

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average guy

I just have to add a old sexist remark I heard years ago that women look at men's bums to see how large their wallet is!


Not my opionin, but I'd just throught I'd throw it in the conversation :)



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Like Dug, when my boyfriend and I go out to the mall or anywhere, we usually look at the girls together, and I don't want to take any of them home, I just look and give my opinion. Our favourite pass time is looking; As Dug would say: AT ALL THE SKANKS! It is true we love to laugh at them. I have occasionally caught him almost oogling a girl, and I asked him if he thought she was hot. The thing I don't understand about Males; if you have clearly been caught staring, why be so defensive and upset, I have never gotten mad when I caught him. That is how I know my man is looking. Just a question I would like to put out there for the men.

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Originally posted by moimeme

Or perhaps it's just that Navy men don't like the Brazilian wax? Please enlighten us!!! Enquiring minds want to know.


A hint of fur -vs- the Brazilian wax


I'm not sure how to explain it further without getting my post booted off of here. HAHAHA!

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meagara......in response to your question. I can only speak for myself, but I get slightly defensive or uncomfortable when I get caught ooogling another woman because it is intended to be a discrete and meaningless gander. I am love my woman and do not want her to think I am comparing or wishing for an opportunity or whatever. I give some cars a doubletake simply because they are eye catching, it's just that looking at another woman can give the wrong impression depending on the mood etc.

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I understand, it just confuses me. I don't care if he looks but why deny it, it makes me laugh to see him become so defensive. I think you should just admit it , only if your girl doesn't care, which now adays, there are very few of us left who understand that you don't want to screw them, you just want to look.Well keep looking discretely! Thank for answering my question.


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