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One of My Dearest Friends Was Murdered On Sunday


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I had just returned from my brothers funeral when I got the call. It was my friend "K" She was crying I was like "What!?" She said "Lori they killed him!!" "Killed who!!??" "KW!!" "And Lori hes dead!!" I fell to my knees and screamed this man was a dear friend to me. I had been telling him he needed to move and get away from where he was living because I just had this horrible feeling. Four days before he had come by with K for his birthday and we spent some quality time together. I feel very blessed to have had that time with him.


My issue is this. There were several people there when this happened. at 2:30 AM. Yet none of them seen nothing. It sickens me that no one will step forward to make sure this doesn't happen again. Sure it's scary to tell on a lunatic. Cause he might come get you before the police get him. But i know someone knows who did this to my friend. He was the nicest guy and helped everyone all the time.


They wanted his money and he would not give it to them. I am so angry at him for not just giving him the money then he would still be here. I miss him so much. My life will never be the same without my friend of 15 years!!:sick::(

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I am sorry for the loss of your brother and your friend. that's rough to come home from your brothers funeral and find out that kind of awful news, a murder of a good friend.


hopefully someone will come forward and go talk to the police.

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I'm so sorry for you and your friend. I know how difficult it is. I too had a good friend who was murdered. Some punk kids killed him after an argument.



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I'm so sorry to hear this. Surround yourself with the people you care about who care about you.


I was one of the people who had the spine to step forward in a similar situation. I hated the guy who murdered my friend and gave the detectives every bit of evidence I could. There's more going on "behind the scenes" than you think. The cops were trying to protect me while they were gathering as much evidence as possible. I didn't know that at the time. I ended up having a conversation with the murderer online (his idea, of course). I was shocked two weeks after murdering someone he was still walking around. I thought I could get a confession from him but instead he started saying "you're either with me or against me" and kept pressuring me to meet up with him to "talk". I knew he was suspicious of me and wanted to kill or kidnap me so...I loaded myself up with weapons out of frustration (thinking the cops were doing nothing) and agreed to meet him.


I found out that the cops were watching his conversation with me online and he never made it to meet up with me because the cops snagged him.


In that looooooooong two weeks of him walking around free, they gathered enough evidence against him (a nice big pile) to get him locked up for 26 years!


My friend that he murdered was a very sweet young girl. Wouldn't hurt a fly. A lover of animals, a caring person who I really respected and liked. They were dating and when she broke it off with him because he kept putting her down, being controlling and yelling at her, he killed her before she could get out the front door.


I'm sharing this with you to try to reassure you that even if it seems nothing is being done, there probably is a lot going on you don't know and can't know until all is said and done.


Somebody who knows what happened will step forward. Have faith in people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am sorry for your loss and pain. Hug Hug. I will keep you in my prayers.

Often people do not step up to help because they fear the same will happen to them. I do notice more and more these days bystanders helping victoms. I hope someone will give police a tip to catch the murderer.

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I'm so sorry to hear this, OP.


And carbongrow, there are good police officers out there. I understand the frustration with the police, but they do make our world safer.

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So sorry for your loss. There are no words that will make you feel better. I pray for your peace and strength to get through this time.

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