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Starting out in the bars...HELP?!

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I definitely have some problems that need ironing out and no one that i talk to has given me a straight answer yet. Since ive been shipped off to a party school ive hit some nice parties, but never really capitalize on the fact that there are "people" giving up their panties for free. Basically i havent found a reason to talk to the girls at the parties because i dont feel they are interested in me and i dont think i could keep their interest long enough. I feel i guess that i dont have a chance.


There is also a girl home who is a little younger than me but she continues to keep my interest. I began talking to her at work and we really clicked. It turns out she was kinda keeping me and a few other guys on the side of her current boyfriend. I never really did anything with her but i feel like in some ways its holding me back because i still talk with her so frequently. The other problem is that she really leads me on like i have some chance with her but i know that will never really happen, but i still play along and act as though i may benefit from being a kind friend with some sexual energy even though relationships under these conditions must be terrible. She is kinda the only girl that has really paid me that much attention, so i may be clinging on but i cant seem to let go.


The main problem is that i have been going to bars and COMING UP PRETTY EMPTY HANDED. I really find inadequacy when i try to talk to girls whether its keeping the conversation going or just going finding something to talk about besides "Hey, whats up?...(silence)"


Is this because i still have feelings for a girl thats using me for some bored times or its because i just suck around women.


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Well, having feelings for someone who doesn't feel the same way is never a self esteem booster!


If you want to be successful in your dating life, it's important to feel good about yourself.


Maybe you should work on freeing your heart from this other relationship which isn't working and is making you feel 'less than'.....and THEN go out to persue a girl who will be interested in you.

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You have to believe that girls want you, they can smell a lack of confidence a mile off. Also bars are not necc the best place to meet girls for long term relationships.

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Im the type of person who can turn nothing into the long relationship or short relationship type as long as they are into me...once i start talking i can work some magic. The problem is the starting of the relationship. When i let this girl go that ive been into for a while, i can get things going with other girls...i someone to tell me to let go i guess...i know that she obviously isnt into me as much as i wish she was so ill just give up. At the moment im not neccessarily looking for the long term relationship type anyways. Just looking for some fun and fulfillment as see where things go. Im pretty good at reading people so far as if they wanna do a week of fun or a possible relationship. I guess the question im asking is what kind of things can i really start out with that can get a conversation rolling enough for me MYSELF to take over and work that magic that i feel so great about.

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