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questions about exercise

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Well here goes.

how many hours prior to working out should you eat?

Is starting off walking a cardio if you havent worked out in a while?

When weight liftin how should i go about it by starting heavy & ending light or other wise?


Im around 240 & 6 foot

I gained this weight cause i thought it would help to have when i started working out again especially in the lower legs when im doing walking & or eventually jogging.& now Im thinkin that was a bad Idea.


Also what is the best food to eat & how much should I eat meal wise & when should i eat?

(ive been thinkin lots of tuna)

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you want alot proteins( but i do not know how long pre exercise), but some cards like 30 mins before, the carbs give yopu quick energy the proteins will susutain tyhe energy.

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I would suggest you get Bill Phillips book Body For Life. It gives a great starting point for new weight trainers and can answer your questions regarding diet, cardio, and training.

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