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how bitter are you?

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er...people write amazing erudite posts on this forum constantly - take a look at any of amerikajim's posts - and they do not receive kudos. you are going to be systematically disappointed if your sense of entitlement includes applause for all the posts on which you spend time. also, perhaps insulting other posts is *not* the most expedient way to gather praise for your own.


i'm glad your date went really well, congrats!

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Originally posted by capitald

I feel that I should have received much more of a response to the reply I so painstakingly took the time to write. You all are very rude for not giving that more serious consideration.




Dude chill out.

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Originally posted by capitald

you spend 99% of the time burying the posts of people who have to have something to say with mindless chatter


MINDLESS CHATTER???? Oh hell, I thought this was our GOOD stuff.



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First of all I apologize if I come on to intense but I am just passionate!!! Why should I let people kill my passion. I have to live somewhat for today because everyday I let slip by is a day I lost and a day closer to death that I am. And I didn't mean to insult all the posters because I know there is alot of good advice here. I just meant to put those people in their place that "hate on" alot of what I have to say and try to make a million "inconsequental" posts after mine (I am not talking about this post in particular) in hopes that no one will read mine. Your aim should be to set people free because thats what love is about, not to "hook" them because you are afraid to lose their love. Using "hooks" and "guilt" is what leaves us alone because it makes people angry and it pushes them away from us, sometimes a person will come back if they feel loved unconditionally. Thats what I am trying to relay.


The truth is tough to hear BUT it is extremely valuable.

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and try to make a million "inconsequental" posts after mine (I am not talking about this post in particular) in hopes that no one will read mine


Um. Feeling a little paranoid today? I can assure you that nobody is deliberately trying to bury your posts. They just have remarks to add to an existing discussion. If you want your post to be highlighted somehow, start a thread of your own. Of course, there will be replies to it...

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I feel that I should have received much more of a response to the reply I so painstakingly took the time to write. You all are very rude for not giving that more serious consideration.



I feel your pain, capitald. I, too, write these absolutely brilliant, wise , scholarly posts, which are IGNORED in favor of sexually inane banter. I'm bitter about that, too. I demand the recognition I so richly deserve for my oft-ignored deep, rich and scholarly contributions to LoveShack's K-Mart discourse.


So Arabess, I don't want to read any more tripe about oral sex, threesomes, beer or sailors. That degrades the already low level of discussion on these Boards. "More Heidegger, less oral sex!"


So come on, folks: Tell me how smart I am! :D

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Arabess, if I don't get around to doing that recipe chain mail you sent me will this add to your sum of bitterness? :laugh:

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try to make a million "inconsequental" posts after mine (I am not talking about this post in particular) in hopes that no one will read mine.


I read YOUR post. Are YOU happier now?

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Originally posted by capitald

Why should I let people kill my passion.


Why would you even think no one read or took into consideration your post's advice? I wrote one back in Dec. In March a person PM'd me and said she had made a copy of it and it changed her life. I didn't know that back in Dec. Actually, she was a young girl and never posted on LS again.


So, just because you don't get an 'attaboy' doesn't mean no one appreciated your post.


SURE we chatter some between posts. We become friends and enjoy the dialogue.




YES MY DEAR....you are the very best and the most brilliant of us all. You have even surpassed the witt of my Beloved Bark and Jester....the CADS that they were!!



YES MY SLOW ONE....do the recipe....women who have to cook are waiting. J/K....you don't have to do it.

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Originally posted by zarathustra

I feel your pain, capitald. I, too, write these absolutely brilliant, wise , scholarly posts, which are IGNORED in favor of sexually inane banter. I'm bitter about that, too. I demand the recognition I so richly deserve for my oft-ignored deep, rich and scholarly contributions to LoveShack's K-Mart discourse.


So Arabess, I don't want to read any more tripe about oral sex, threesomes, beer or sailors. That degrades the already low level of discussion on these Boards. "More Heidegger, less oral sex!"


So come on, folks: Tell me how smart I am! :D


I like your posts, Zara. Really, I do.

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Well, you all have got me caught up in a love war :). All against one, but I don't care I haved faced this my whole life. Again, nothing to do with Dr. Heidegger although she did love him, Dr. Arendt said, from her knowledge of what was going on during the holocaust, that sadism is sexual.


And by the way I am not waiting months for recognition and this is especially in reference to xxxxxx. Happiness is really found more in giving then in taking, but I guess you wouldn't understand that.


Also, I was a pretty extraordinary person before I opened my first book on Heidegger or any philosophy, I grew up on a steady diet of rock music and heavy metal, you would be suprised that the most beautiful and thoughtful things can be found in the places you might least expect it.


Thanks for letting me rant, D.


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Originally posted by capitald

this is especially in reference to miss arabess. You want to eat all of my great words, basically use me for all I am worth, not give anything back, like a man-eater,


This sounds familiar. Are you sure we haven't dated???




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No, I won't relax. Your not her friend. I was being a friend to her. I was caring enough to show her what behaviors are limiting her "love potential" so to speak.


Finally, live and let live is your philosophy, are you that shrewd that everyone has to hold the same viewpoint as you? Maybe "when I was young and my heart was an open book",...well you know the rest...since you question-begged it.


Oh, also to Arabess, I am not beating you up with my words, please do me the favor of rereading my posts and replies without taking them so personally. TY.

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Capital - Sorry you feel that way, I did not mean to be rude or threatening to you.


You on the other hand probably wouldn't say anything to her to make sure she remained exactly in the boat you want her to be


You know I never thought of it like that - Arabess do you think we could be having an emotional affair??

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