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how bitter are you?

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Originally posted by meanon

Arabess do you think we could be having an emotional affair??


YES!!! I am miserable and it's all YOUR fault DAMMIT! :laugh:

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i'm usually the first to apologize, but i do not here. i understand you were trying to help, capitald, but your approach, honestly, could use a little work.


abrasive/aggressive works very well on some people, it does not work well on me. i do not like being told my posts, nor the posts of my friends, are chattering or inconsequential.


your post was great - but your post-poital behaviour was, imo, alienating. it actually lessened the impact of what you were initially saying about the political impetus of bitterness.


i have an idea, though. why not start your own thread in which you can detail your advanced system for bitterness removal? be sure to explain how much praise you need at the onset, though, so the expectations are clear.


cheers, and thanks again for the original post - j

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Originally posted by jenny



It sounds like a poster sex position. Funny as hell!!!

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Originally posted by zarathustra

You know something, Arabess, when I'm post-poital I can't post again for about 15 minutes. :)




...Do you reach for a smoke or a snack?

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Ok, thats really quite nice, you people have won, in your savageness. Apolgize while at the same time gutting my replies of what was important in them. Thats wickedness at its finest. Perhaps you should work in the public relations industry. I attempt to be a positive force on this site and this is what I get. I have never met such two faced people in all my life, you should actually feel quite ashamed. I am not here to baby you and you are not a china doll. This is like the mcdonald's version of "love advice" designed to make you fat but not actually help you improve, so it was actually you that are responsible for the "false advertising" and not me. And I made it clear that what I have said in my posts on this site have not been attacks but they are more like constructive confrontation. Saying that I have attacked someone is a trumped up charge by insecure people that want to rub what little power they have in my face because of the insecureness they feel about their friends actually doing something about their lives, instead of just complaining. But whatever, I am not bitter, touche'.


-D. xxxooo


P.S. and no I don't need to tell anyone how much praise I need. Everyone loves the hell out of me, look at how much attention all of the big-shots on this site give me, and for one reason, actually one word: QUALITY. You can't beat it.

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It was good for me Z....was it good for you????? I wouldn't want you to have to beat your quality.

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i have had to beat my quality so many times after spell check postus interruptus. :laugh:

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CapitalD, all of the posts with a little yellow box instead of a white box in the lower left hand corner are new, so we read all posts, not just the most recent.


You're not going to succeed in making ANYBODY feel bad, we did nothing wrong, you're overreacting, and it's annoying the crap out of us.

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Originally posted by zarathustra

You know something, Arabess, when I'm post-poital I can't post again for about 15 minutes. :)

So you just disregard the LS 60-second rule then? For shame! I expected better of you zara. :laugh:

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Ah, but capitald, do you believe it would be any different under Arendt's council communism a la "On Revolution"?


The thread was about bitterness and you name dropped Heidegger's former Mistress. A better Thread connection would have been why Hannah was not bitter about being the OW for so many years or, even better, about her MM becoming a Nazi and a National Socialist sympathizer to his last breath. Arendt, as I'm sure you know, was Jewish.


You just had a taste of cyber-town hall democracy. I believe Leftish intellectuals overrate it--too much opportunity for the overpassionate . The loud drown out the quiet in some political Gresham's Law.


Is there a linkage between the political State and and the psychological state of bitterness? Possibly, but it is not one you plausibly argued.

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I simply meant to state that most people feel bitter mainly because they are politically powerless in a sense. I know in the new issue of AARP (my parents get this even though they are too young IMO) Danny Glover tells us how no matter how much he succeeds in life he is still very conscious of the fact that he is black. My question to him would be why don't you follow in Arnie's steps, that is, he has the means, why not "politic" for the "black" cause in America? Why waste your time in entertainment if how "blacks" are seen in America is such a issue to you? Why not get your say in the sphere of life that really matters.


Democracy seems to be the most viable option and thats why we haven't dropped it from our catagorization of ourselves, i.e. democratic republic.


As for Communism, you misread Arendt. Marxism, my toungue recoils at the mention of that man's name with disgust. I really prefer not to say anything about him except that Arendt was not a Marxist, which to the day is concerned with the "means of production". Arendt's council democracy, which by the way it is noted that she never really followed it up with any intense seriousness, has little to nothing to do with the "means of production". Perhaps, and I studied under a professor that was good friends with Miss. Arendt, she is less of a radical in the ways that you think she is.


To get back to loveshack, it is apparent that the "system" is working for you to your satisfaction yet their is still some dissatisfaction in you that causes you to come here, that causes you to listen to me, if I am wrong then well lets make this be the last reply on this topic. On the other hand, if you can and want prove me wrong, I am all for it and would even appreciate your response because who knows, we all might gain a new level of understanding about love and politics.


sincerely, D.

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Your right, Hannah was no Communist. I had Rosa on my mind, as in Luxemborg.


LS, to a large extent, is a community of intimate strangers. As in any community there are insiders, outsiders and the truly strange.


The people who post regularly are, for the most part, very bright, articulate , insightful and friendly once you get to know them and they get to know you. While the dysfunctionality index is probably a bit higher than the norm, given LoveShack's mission, that frequently makes things more interesting and, at times, downright entertaining. Check out the posts of someone known as Dave1234.


Saying that, this is not an Academic Board. People come here with sometimes terrifying problems and we try to help. Sometimes we do, sometimes we don't.


Some people, however, are extremely political and the very best writing and political analysis can usually be found on the political threads. A few folks-- like jenny, Samson and Amerikajin-- could be professional writers. Yes, they're that good.


I'm not sure it's dissatisfaction that brings me back here every night. I belong here. There are people here whom I count as good friends. I chuckle at the human comedy and cringe at the human tragedy.


We're just people, regular folks.

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Originally posted by zarathustra

Some people, however, are extremely political and the very best writing and political analysis can usually be found on the political threads. A few folks-- like jenny, Samson and Amerikajin-- could be professional writers. Yes, they're that good.


Gee thanks....just see if I have Shacker Sex with YOU again..... :laugh:

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Gee thanks....just see if I have Shacker Sex with YOU again.....



Arabess, my darling, don't leave me! You were going to be Number One on my best Shacker Sex partners list!!! :D


In fact, you're the ONLY one for me on that lengthy list. :D

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I did not mean to insult anyone here nor do I think that anything I said was an insult. Nor do I think that no one has any talent here. Nor do I think that this isn't a very good place. Perhaps, I like to see if I can inspire people to get what they want in life, afterall life is so short. I am not trying to force anyone, nor do I particularly care if any particular person improves because what I say, I just have the need to share my wisdom and thats what I do.


Anyway, I don't particularly feel like an outsider to the site. I used to post here under a different name but my password got lost and I had problems resending it to myself, so I just set up a new one to save myself alot of grief. So I have quite a few posts on this board before just the ones I put up lately. What brought me back was a person sent me a pm (i got the notification email) telling me how much he/she liked a post that I wrote. So thats my story,


joy de vivre, D.

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In fact, you're the ONLY one for me on that lengthy list.


man, now i'm disgruntled!


(sounds of huffiness, then soft giggling resignation)


capitald, if you care, it's all good. fights happen; they are mostly meaningless. what are you taking at college/university? if it helps to know, many of us on the board are frustrated masters or phD students, who crave a good post. from your post and zara's, i have up'ed my knowledge of complicit/almost socialist rhetoric considerably; it's only self-interest that makes me want you to stay on. i long for radicals; i expect we all do. if you are still pissed, PM me, flame me, but for the love of gil stay on, ok? :)

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as a further heads up: zara is easily our most reasonable and most experienced poster. he knows of what he speaks. we adore him because he alone is not a hypocrite nor an 'armchairer' in terms of advice.

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As a further heads up, ah, you guys never give up!!!! Its always about power with people!!! Thats the problem with the world right there!!! Fighting over power is what causes bitterness in relationships. Its like theLord of the Flies, "who got the conch fatty"? I never, ever, ever, ever, ever, said a bad thing about zarathustra!!!


Also I am neither a radical or a socialist although my actions may "seem" radical and they may "be" "radical", but still my actions like my words are not "me". I am a phenomena of existence like you all are. Its very hard to quantify, catagorize or label my existense or essense, quite even harder to catagorize my thinking because that changes from moment to moment, I guess somewhat faster than the average person at least. I am by no means a socialist and do not necessarily or even usually agree with what people usually considered "socialists" say or do.


It actually pisses me off when people say bad things about America if I don't think they are saying it in the hopes that their criticism might make America a better place. That said, I think it is wrong (as in not good for us) that we so easily put down other ideologies (i.e. Communists, socialists) because we usually do it with a blindness to the fact that our way of seeing things is an ideology as well (note: Nazism, Stalinism and totalitarianism are not the same as socialism or communism, perhaps perversions of them but I would have to think more on that), not to mention that our ideology has major flaws as well albeit perhaps not as decisive flaws as other competing frameworks.


BUt in response to Jenny, complicity is a major fact of existing in the world. You are either part of the cause or part of the disease and frequently I think most people are unsure just which one they are, which of course is another matter. I would say that your attempt to apply labels to me is rather bold and interesting but I don't think they adequately define me, nor is what I am saying necessarilly rhetoric but rather it is perhaps aimed towards teaching and learning. BTW, I have a BA in communications and I am currenly taking philosophy graduate classes, and while I do get frustrated alot, I mostly have fun with life as you should.


An original quote by me: "fun destroys bitterness" -d.

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