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gf thinks i should have sex with other women

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My girlfriend has been going through a period where she doesn't desire sex. However she told me to feel free to find other people to have sex with to curb my very large appitite for sex. She just doesn't want me to sneak around while doing it.


Should i do this?

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your gf is testing you on your level of committment for her. If you do decide to pursue other women for sex, then she will conclude that all you want from your gf is sex.

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Not a good idea. Even if she's not testing you, it's not good to bring a third party into a situation where there's already a relationship between two people. It typically creates jealousy and hurt feelings. Even if she's saying you should do it now, there's a good chance she won't be saying that after you've already done it. I wouldn't take that chance.

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I think you shouldnt. I also think there are issues in your relationship, she is pulling away from you. I tend to think and have been in that situation, that when one person is pulling away and not wanting sex, its a slight warning sign.

good luck

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Your gf does NOT want you to have sex with someone else, but she appears not to want to have it with you. If you want to have sex with someone else, break up with your girlfriend. Otherwise, stay in this unsatisfying situation until you lose your mind.

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This can be a test of some sort. Perhaps she wants to see how faithful you are to her. Then again, this may mean that she is in fact cheating on you, feels guilty, and wishes to somehow rectify it in a dishonest fashion by urging you to do the same to her. I won't rule out the possibility that she may in fact mean what she is saying to you.


I think that if you care for this woman enough you will not cheat on her by sharing intimacy with other women. I suppose you need to decide if you really want to stay with her or not.

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Yes, I'd do it. What are the downsides? You meet different people some of whom might expand your horizons. You may end up having sex, which your gf is denying you. That should be nice. You may meet, in your travels, someone whom you really like and replace your sex denying girl friend with someone who loves you and wants to f*** you. Or, your girlfriend may react to your acceptance of her offer to go out with others by again having sex with you.


Do it, my friend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If your gf is indeed testing you, she is a manipulative, insecure woman! You, as a human being, have a right to want sexual activities! If she is not willing to have sex with you, while I do not condone cheating, I say you take her offer! Why? Because it is not cheating if she is aware of it and consents to it, heck, it was her own idea!! If she is testing your commitment to her, then again, back to the manipulative woman comment I made earlier. How are you going to be faithful and devoted if she is not willing to offer you sex? She doesn't seem to be making an compromises either, unless this having sex with another is her compromise. I say, take her suggestion, have sex with someone else, if she freaks out, you can tell her, after all, it was her decision. Then dump her and be with someone who has an active sex life.

While I understand sex is not all there is to love and a relationship, it is part of it. One is completely naive, or has an unhealthy sex life, if one thinks that sex is not part of a relationship! Unless your gf has some medical illness, perhaps her lack of interest in sex is a medical problem of and in itself, then you have every right to either have sex with someone else, or better yet, move on!

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Originally posted by zarathustra

Yes, I'd do it. What are the downsides? You meet different people some of whom might expand your horizons. You may end up having sex, which your gf is denying you. That should be nice. You may meet, in your travels, someone whom you really like and replace your sex denying girl friend with someone who loves you and wants to f*** you. Or, your girlfriend may react to your acceptance of her offer to go out with others by again having sex with you.


Do it, my friend.

Well all know YOU would do it, zara. You didn't even need to answer that one! :rolleyes::lmao:

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Originally posted by sadlad

My girlfriend has been going through a period where she doesn't desire sex. However she told me to feel free to find other people to have sex with to curb my very large appitite for sex. She just doesn't want me to sneak around while doing it.


Should i do this?

Here's an angle that hasn't been brought up yet. Perhaps she is seeing someone else (hence the lack of desire to have sex with you) and that's why she really doesn't care if you see someone else. Maybe your relationship has just become one of convenience? I think it's up to you to figure this out.

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Dump her.


When you fight about sex, you don't even get any good make-up sex. It's typically downhill from there.


Yes, if you got the chance to bang around, go for it. Chances are you won't be getting any at home ever again. Hell, maybe you should actively pursue it even. Your girlfriend will be set straight when she sees another woman hanging on your arm.


THEN dump her. Serious. A relationship will not work out for a man without sex.

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shes prob. insecure and wants to see if you'll do it, then she'll ditch u like yesterdays paper.


don't do it dude...unless u want to end it with her that would be a pretty quick way.

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My girlfriend has been going through a period where she doesn't desire sex....


Do you have any idea why she's like this? How long have you two been seeing each other? And how long has she been like this?


She may need to see her doctor about this. Could be something wrong physically - any one of a number of things.

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[color=darkblue][/color] Hello dude? Do you not see the bad signs in this? 1.) She doesn't want to have sex with you. Problem? Yes. 2.) You are actually thinking about having sex with another woman which proves you obviously don't care that much for the chick. So she says have sex with someone else. And she seems real sincer about it right? WRONG. Do it and it will be OVER. You will either realize you don't even need her around or she will get so jealous that it won't be worth it to be with her anymore.


And besides, if she didn't get upset after you told her you had sex with someone else, obviously she doesn't really care too much either.


Then again, guys will be guys, and if you're thinking about doing it...You're probably already leaning to the yes answer. :p Whatever you choose, get ready for the drama behind it...

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