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just a quick one - I've been hanging out with this guy, and to be quite honest, both of us have been flirting quite alot - with comments and body language etc. What I want to know is... how do you know whether someone is just playing round, and having a bit of fun, or when they are flirting 'cause they want something more.


I'm quite keen on the guy and if it came down to it I would like something more, but I don't want to confuse the signals....and hence mess up a budding good friendship (which if it went that way I would still be happy).


Any suggestions welcome.

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Flirting is like dancing. Somebody takes the lead and the other follows. It is up to the person who initiates the flirting to evaluate the other person's responses. If the other person's responses have seemed appropriate and receptive, then it is up to the initiator to take it to the next level...to ask that person out.


If the person who began flirting with you just keeps flirting and fails to take it to the next step, either they:


A) Are very stupid


B) Are into games


C) Are a big tease


D) Have a girlfriend


E) Weren't Expecting a positive reaction and are for some reason unable to take it beyond that level....or


F) They act that way all the time with most everybody and it is mistaken for flirting.


If this guy has been flirting for enough time in your judgement, just tell him you really enjoy flirting with him but if he's not gonna go anywhere with it, knock it off!!!

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the infamous Emps

well, tone broke it down for you, this could pass as a "How To Tell If You're Talking To Judy" replace the "are" with "is" and scratch that "girlfriend" and throw in "boyfriend" and voila.

A) Are very stupid B) Are into games C) Are a big tease D) Have a girlfriend





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