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I have been friends with this person for over 3 years. She has seen me through a bout with Cancer and has always been very kind. I recently discovered that I am moving out of state and will be selling my house in the next 18 months. I have had the same realestate broker ( also a dear friend of mine) for 6 years.


Shortly after I told my friend I was going to move she announced to me that she was going to get her real estate liscence and could she sell my house, and help me find a small condo in the area which I need for buisness.


I told her that I could not do this because of my prior relationship with my other real estate liscenced friend. Since that time she has refused to see me, or talk to me directly on the phone. I have called her 2 time to try to set up a lunch to more clearly explain my position but she will not go, and tells me via voice mail she is much too busy to talk or go to lunch right now!

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Sounds like she's got a bad case of the 'hurty feelings'. As a good friend, understand it and do what it takes to make it better for her. A note and a small gift........

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Explain again that you feel torn between two friends, and that if the situation were reversed you don't think she would want you to stop using her real estate help to go with someone else.


Maybe you can use one to sell and one to buy?

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You clearly explained that you have an on-going and long-standing relationship with another real estate broker and you want to remain loyal to that broker. If your very immature and childish friend can't handle that, she doesn't belong in the business. If she cops the attitude that she will now avoid you because you won't help put money in her pocket by doing business with her, she is not your friend. Good riddance to the bxtch!!!


Don't feel bad about this. This lady isn't worth having as a friend. I hate people like that!

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Hi there,


I just thought I would throw in my 2 cents. In my state realtors are now becoming Buyer's brokers to customers. Agents actually sign a contract with the Buyer agreeing to work together for a specified amount of time. There is loyalty now re Buyers. There are duel agents also, but that leaves something to be desired.


I would suggest that you list your home with your old agent as a Sellers agent. Then sign a contract with your friend for her to be your Buyer's agent. She will be negotiating for you, though, so keep in mind that she is inexperienced. That could work against you.


Your state may have other ways of doing things. Check.


A good realtor should respect your relationship with another agent.


Good luck!

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Fascinating info, caretoo. Thanks.


I am working now on starting college this fall, ultimately as a real estate major.

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Tony's got it right. (Great job tweaking his program settings, back room folks!) "Friends" don't try to make money off of friends, or turn ugly because the other person already has longstanding business relationships.

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