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too much computer?

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my girlfriend spends alot of time on the computer looking up her health ailments, she has posted here before about hypothyroid, menopause and hypoglycemia. she reads every thing she can on these subjects to the point where she is spending hours a day on the computer. i think she starts to think she has this or that when she reads about it and is making her worse or thinking worse. its the same subjects daily, any suggestions, she is driving me to the television set, more. thanks rock

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my girlfriend spends alot of time on the computer looking up her health ailments, she has posted here before about hypothyroid, menopause and hypoglycemia. she reads every thing she can on these subjects to the point where she is spending hours a day on the computer. i think she starts to think she has this or that when she reads about it and is making her worse or thinking worse. its the same subjects daily, any suggestions, she is driving me to the television set, more. thanks rock
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We all have our problems and we all deal with them in different ways. But it is highly unusual for a couple to allow an Internet forum to become a go-between for you in your relationship discord. With a compassionate heart, I urge you to discuss, NOT ARGUE, with your girlfriend all of her issues. Try as best you can to understand how she feels on a daily basis.


Her illness is not fun. However, she is under the care of a physician. Some limited research on health topics is good...but if she is going overboard, that needs to be checked.


The problem you have here is very complex and must be dealt with directly between the two of you. If the two of you are going to remain together, you need to enter into some agreements on doing things together, doing things apart, what is too much TV, what is too much computering, etc.


Sometimes in a relationship we don't see the forest for the trees. In your particular forest, there's a lot of poison ivy growing under the trees. I admire you for having stuck in there this long and I do hope the two of you are able to work to save this relationship.

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