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Says he is over me


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I dated a friend for a little while. We had a huge falling out and we didn't speak to one another for a couple of weeks. At the time of the break up he told me that he had liked me, but not anymore.


Well he called me a couple of days ago because he said that he was returning my call. I never called him, but anyway we started talking and he said that he was over me but hadn't moved on. Since that day, we have been talking a lot. Not about when we dated, but about other things. I got a job offer in another city and I was telling him this last night. He asked if he could come visit me once I got settled and I joked that I never said that I would invite him to visit me. He said "Thanks a lot" and seemed a little be hurt.


I get the distinct feeling that he still likes me more than a friend or at least that he completely doesn't want to let go. However, he did tell me that some day that I will meet Mr. Perfect. Am I delusional in thinking he still likes me?

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Honestly, it doesn't really matter whether he still likes you. All that matters is how he behaves. If he says he doesn't want to be in a relationship with you, all you can do is take him at his word. If you're not sure, you can always ask him. You probably won't like the answer, but at least you will know. In my experience, if he wanted you, he'd go for you.

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I think that there's a possibility that he may still have feelings for you. Maybe you could just ask him. At this point, what do you have to loose? How do you feel about him?

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I still like him.


When we had our falling out, I said some very ugly mean things that I shouldn't have said. I am surprised that he even wants to talk to me at this point.


I will ask him.

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I don't know, he could be hesitant because of the argument you two had. I think its better just to ask how he feels for you that way you know for sure.


Rejection is rejection no matter how many different ways you put it. I advise against asking him, directly, indirectly or whichever will sugarcoat it to make it seem non-confrontational.

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I didn't ask him if he still liked me, but tonight he told me tonight that he wants to be FWB. Um, no I replied. So the only reason that he is still contacting me is because he said that sex was good. Well, he isn't going to get any from me.

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