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I'm going to stop beating myself up

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There are many things in life I can't change. I can't change my face, I can't change my inexperience, and I can't change the past.


Because of this, I'm going to use the future as productive rather than destructive. Some things I am thinking about:



  1. I can't change that I'm a 28, almost 29 year old virgin who hasn't even kissed a girl. That is me, my life has led me to this path, and even though I have regrets, this shouldn't be one of them. I have a lot of love to give, and some lucky girl will experience it.
  2. I have to change my hairstyle, or at least experiment. As it's been stated before to me, I look like a complete nerd with my current hairstyle. Either that, or very emo, and unless I am looking for younger emo-type girls, I won't get anywhere with my current look.
  3. I have to get into the gym, and lose weight. It also wouldn't hurt to put on muscle, although I know not every girl is looking for a muscle man. But mostly for my health.
  4. I have to think more positively. Instead of saying, "I'm ugly," I can say, "I'm average looking and have room to improve."
  5. I have to use my time more productively.

These five statements say a lot about things I need to change, and move forward, on.

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Well done, first step to improving is accepting what you would like to improve on.


I use to self defeat a lot I mean I would talk to myself all day in my head, I now try to focus on my five senses more such as hearing, usually this distracts me from my inner thoughts and I have began to have less of them.

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