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I am in love with my best friend and afraid of rejection

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Hi I am a 19 year old female and I am trying to decode my feelings and figure out what I should do with them. Here is my story....


I met my friend Meg 7 yrs ago when we were in Jr. High. For 3 years we were best friends, until she hooked me up with her brother. Once her brother and I started dating Meg and my relationship got really rough...She made friends with another girl and they became extremely close. Everyone gave them crap about being lovers...Even myself. I felt bad but I was really jealous for some reason. I thought it was just over a friendship but now I believe it is over Meg's heart. To make a long story short....Meg and K are still together and I am like the 3rd wheel. I have weird feelings toward Meg that I have never had towards another girl. I think they are feelings of love but I don't know.


Can someone help me decode these feelings...I want to tell Meg but I don't want her to not have the same feelings and then have it ruin my life and our friendship. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

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You may have feelings for her, but if she is with this other girl she can't be with you.

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