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how many of you are guilty of taking your partner for granted??

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how many of you guys are guilty of taking your significant other for granted? in what ways do you take them for granted? also, on average, how long does it take for a couple to get to this stage in a relationship?


for example, my boyfriend used to love when i would get him cards for no reason, now it doesnt seem to be special anymore. also, he used to love getting woken up by me, now he hates it. he seems to be bothered by the things he used to think were so cute. how many of you are experiencing this? how do you overcome it?

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What you have described is pretty normal. It's unfortunate but human beings are subject to chemicals and neurons in their brains as much as they are to their own conscious and planned behaviors. People who live near airports cease hearing the jet noise after a period of time. People who live next to railroad tracks cease hearing the trains. Oh, they hear them but they don't have nearly the impact they had when they first moved to those locations. It's the same with relationships. Behaviors that once had an impact no longer do. It's really unfortunate. However, you can usually bet that love is there and in most cases one or both of the people would go nuts if there was a break up.


Perhaps once in a while you ought to remind the person not to take you for granted. Or, better yet, once in a while go off for a couple of weeks and let the person miss you.


What you have described is far more the norm than an exception. Enjoy a relationship while it's new. Those feelings you experience in a new relationship seldom return. But if the partnership is to continue and survive, feelings of stability and contentment follow and are sufficient for mature people who fully understand the process.

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You can skip the cards for a bit, and watch him ask what is up with that.


I try to tell my s/o how much he means everyday, just in case I can't do it tomorrow. But I appreciate the little things he does for me ... like letting me vent when I get cranky, or telling me he loves me when I crack him up.


Getting comfortable in a relationship usually means that the little things start going un~noticed... unless they stop. They may mean more to him than he lets on, and I am betting he is just secure and comfortable with you... so the new stage is over, but the relationship is stronger than it was before.


Best of luck to you :cool:

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