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I need 2nd Date ideas...


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OK Wednesday I had my first date with this great girl. We got along like we've known each other forever, no ackwardness. We have ALOT and I mean ALOT in common. I called her yesturday to ask if she wanted to go out again and she said yes. Now, were both big movie buffs, but our first date was dinner and a movie, and I think something different is in order. The only thing I can think of is another dinner and a movie date, but this time instead of going to the multiplex, we would go to this really nice Indie film theater, and eat one of the nice little resturants or bistros around it. Any other ideas/comments?

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You two should decide together. You know your town and what to do. Ideas are at citysearch.com....

Be creative :cool:

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I guess so. But actually we both live in a small little podunk town where theres NOTHING to do, so everyone just goes over to the city (25 miles away) to do stuff.


Also I meant to ask, the fact that were to our second date, does that mean were "dating"? Everyone i know considers "dating" as going steady, but I think I technically means your just going on dates. lol dumb question I know. :p

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How old are you?

I will suggest that you start right now with open communication. You might want to ask her if she thinks you both are considered "dating", at what point she would love to take it to the next step (ask that like on the 4th or 5th date), and discuss that you would like things out in the open, so no one gets hurt.

If you live in a podunk town, its time to get really creative. Rent or go watch a movie, go for walks in the park, cook eachother homemade meals, chill out together- you dont always have to go out.

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I just turned 18, shes 17. I was thinking of stuff like that for maybe 3rd date and later, where I dont worry about scarying her away by doing something "different"

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Well man, I was never really a fan of the movie thing, because you can't actually talk to the girl - and it's a place where you can't talk....



I am in college and I always did dorm room = hooking up; which is fun but it gets old fast

movies are like the same thing




Got to remember girls love new things, and doing things that are orginal...


some of the dates i went on in this relationship i was/or in - were these


Scenic Tower place, movies, "we were suppose to go ice skating, but i got to her house to late", walks, cafe, dinner, we went to hersey park, just keep her intrested that's the real secert - it shouldn't matter where you go as long as both of you have fun... and i found if you keep her guessing of where you going it adds more excitement like tell her it's a secert where you going - just tell her all she needs to do is look pretty - and say well means you don't have to do anything just be there....


I hope that helps


~ Az

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lol nope, nothing remotly interesting in this town, there is an indoor ice skating rink and an indoor rollerrink in the city.

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lol about 5,000 people in the town, like 20,000 in the whole county. The nearby city has about 150,000 people.

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Ay yi yi. Well, I'd say hit the nearby city. I live in a town of about 30,000, there's still nothing to do here.

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I'm in the same situation man -- had the first date, went well but not looking to do the movie thing. I was thinking maybe seeing a stand up comedian, checking out a cultural street in the city, or heading to a very different type of restaurant than the first date. I agree w/ you -- dinner at your place or something more intimate should be saved for after the 1st 2 dates.

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Do you own a video camera? If so, maybe consider shooting a movie of your own together (okay, not a porno). Or if you don't have a video camera , maybe use a regular camera and buy some play-doh or clay and try stop-animation.


I agree that you can't have a conversation in a movie theatre, so unless you two are having dinner after the movie, you won't get to discuss what you are seeing.



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