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My Rant on Texting and Social Networking

Analog Man

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I wish I could find a woman who instead of expressing her innermost feelings about me in crappy grammar (like "o wow liek i luv u bb") would express her feelings to me either on the phone (talking, not texting!) or better yet to my face. As you can see in my username, I am a '90s kid who grew up appreciating the simpler things in life. I think most technology from this era has spoiled and divided people from leading perfectly normal, social lives. I'll admit I am an introvert, but I feel that nevertheless had I been born in the '70s or '80s then it would have been far easier for me to get a girlfriend. Because these days so many people devote a high percentage of their time on these filthy gadgets; they have lost touch with reality that in a way they completely forgot how to socialize with their friends. What pisses me off more is that even when you do hang out with your friends you will most likely pull out your cellphone and start texting away your godawful spelling and grammar one-liners. Just stop it! I have tried so desperately hard to look for a how-to article on getting a girlfriend to date me WITHOUT the use of texting. I think this whole texting **** has gone too far and the Internet is an even more dangerous place, thanks to social networking sites like Facebook and MyLife.


Back to my point: HOW do I find a girl that hates all of this modern technology nonsense? I think technology these days is just unnecessary. I want to simply communicate with my girl using either the phone (talking, not texting!) or talking while around her. E-mail isn't so bad, but I think cellphone texting is the lowest of the low. Same with social networking sites. I just feel so lonely that I am the only person who is able to think rationally beyond all these moronic, flawed gadgets. Yes, technology continues to improve -- BUT, they also have their flaws. I personally think that by the early '90s we already had enough good technology. The Internet back 10 or more years ago used to be less dangerous than it is now, and people certainly got out of the house more.


I just think that I was born in the wrong era. Most technology today is for a throwaway society. How I WISH I could just go back to the simpler times. When I watch vintage '80s teen comedy romance films I keep fantasizing about being with the cutest girls in it.


Sorry for the long rant, but I just had to get it all out there.

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Absolutely! What you say is right to a certain extent - in many ways we have become far too reliant on these technologies. However, I am a child of the 80s (Although I was born in the 70s) and it didn't necessarily make things any easier :rolleyes: It is easy to have rose tinted spectacles about things being easier in a particular era - but that isn't necessarily the case. I was in my 20s before I had my first serious girlfriend (although maybe that was related to me being a computer geek :laugh:)


Texting is a terrible form of communication - trying to say what you want to say in such a short message is nigh on impossible, and should be avoided because it is so prone to misunderstanding.


These technologies do help - but you have to know when to draw the line. I've seen the Internet grow up (the first time I accessed the Internet was in the very early 90s via a VAX mainframe :eek:) and not every advance in technology has been positive!


Good luck - I understand where you are coming from, but there are positive sides to modern technology (Even if you don't understand "txt spk" :D)

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I feel very similar.


The worst thing is, the dating game seems to have evolved into a digital one. I'm a 90s kid, and all my friends are my age. When they met their girlfriend/boyfriend, they developed their initial relationship via text and then agreed to meet each other.


Similar thing with online dating. You message people, and you get their number so you can text them. Then you finally meet them.


Screw that. I don't want to be on my phone, texting, and trying to build a rapport with someone I barely know. I want to speak to them like a person and not play this social networking/text messaging game. Life is hard enough without all the technology that's acting as a smokescreen for true human bonding.

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I hate texting someone back and forth. Yet most people I know would rather text than use a damn phone. WTF is up with that?


Social networking I am starting to understand better. Of course it can also open doors better left shut. Or lead you to people you should be hanging with.

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