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Need advice on an ex that ended weird.

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About 6 months ago I dated a girl that I had met over summer break at a party. Me and a buddy had spent the entire night trying to talk up a friend of ours to her. She ended up hooking up with me that night (a major mistake for me) and after that we didnt see each other or talk much at all. About 3 weeks later I was at another party that she showed up at and we talked for a little awhile, again I tried to talk up my buddy. We ended up staying up til about 6 am talking in a hallway about what had gone on between us, how I couldnt do this to a friend and that it couldnt go on because I felt horrible. Well after this we started to become friends and that gradually went to us becoming really good friends, I would trust her more then my own best friend, she just seemed like that kind of girl. About 4 months after we met we started dating (after I had cleared it with my friend) and things were going great. All of a sudden she called me up and said that she didnt want to continue with the relationship but that she would still go to homecoming with me. I was kind of struck by this because there was no forewaring of this coming. When I asked her why she wanted to break it off she said she didnt want to say and that one day she would tell me but to this day she still hasnt which I think has stopped me from having full closure on it. After that we had a falling out over a stunt that one of best friends pulled and homecoming was off. She ended up in our limo because her best friend was dating my best friend at the time. She was weird at the dance, sat by me at dinner (I picked up her bill just to be nice) and at the dance she danced with me for just about every song. Afterwards at a party she got even weirder and wouldnt talk to me and would give me a confusing look every now and then. This flustered me very badly as I didnt know what to think and I still really liked her. Well lately she has been talking to me more again (we kinda lost touch after all of that) and prior to that she wouldnt even say hi to me in the hallway at school and then all of sudden she would make it a point to say something to me as I left class with a group of friends or just little things that she says or does that have brought me back around to liking her again. 1, I dont know what to do because I dont know what she is thinking. 2, any idea why she broke it off in the first place, I never cheated on her or anything but she did have a falling out with the friend we tried to talk up and my assumption always was that she wanted to try and save the friendship there and that if we were dating it wasnt going to save it. 3, How do I approach this one or even broach the subject of whats going on with her?

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Wow, you may be confused, but I am totally baffled! Why don't you just ask her what you want to know? The chances of strangers being able to read her ambiguous behavior from your descriptions is vanishingly small...


Talk to women, they'll usually talk back to you, women love to talk, it's the first step in foreplay...

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Talk to her, ask her what is going on, and 99.9999% chance that she will tell you everything that you ever wanted to know, including her shoe size. Ask her. It is the safest bet and then you will know.

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You sound like you are in college. Strange things happen in college. This whole thing sounds like drinking was always involved, or involved often. She may have dated you when she was drunk, then one day was sober and decided she had made a mistake. I'm sure you're a great guy, but we all have our preferences. Sometimes shy girls drink to be social with guys and it backfires. They go way too far (in more than one way) and then regret it. If no drinking was involved, I'm clueless. There's a line from a movie, Everything ends badly or it wouldn't be ending. It's true! There are so many other woman out there and you are MUCH too young to be getting serious with anyone. Do you schooling, start a career, figure out who YOU are and then find your mate.

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