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To: Tony & everyone else: Month Break

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Thanks so much for your help. It has been five weeks and I am so glad I did not call him. I now view him as a coward and that's his problem. I'm going on vacation next week and when I get back I'm going on with my life. I only hope I am able to heal quickly from this experience and learn from it.


I feel good about myself.

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We feel good about you too. But I hope you don't have to take a month vacation everytime you want to get on with your life. That can get expensive.


I'm glad you have made the decision to move on!!!

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Just an update for everyone who has helped me. thanks. It went really well. I said all that stuff after the game and I had a bit of info that made it easier. One of my friends got it out of her that she was more pissed about coming to see me and my breaking up with her than anything else. it actually just became natural conversation. it wasn't forced. So, anyway 10 minutes into the game, it was obvious where she wanted this to go. So, I just played it cool and just had fun. Anyway we ended up talking till about 5am. at about three, without any physical stuff just talking, it was clear that we had passed the want to stage and were back together. Our body language just said it all. Anyway, finally as I left I kissed her and tat was the first time. It was all just natural. Not really forced like it can seem sometimes. I just hope everything works out because I don't know if I could stand to hurt this girl again. So, that's an update

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