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Am I being selfish? Went out of my way for 'nothing'....

Cool Chick

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On a last minute request I agreed to house sit and look after a families three cats while they were away on vacation for a week. I got the request on Sunday and they left that Tuesday. When they got back all I got was essentially an email "thank you and see you later"...nothing more. I'm feeling a little under appreciated and taken advantage of. These people aren't in the realm of 'friends' yet...more along the lines of acquaintances that I might have hoped would become friends.


Am I being selfish to have expected more? I don't know, maybe a thank you card or something? Doesn't seem a lot to ask for doing people a favor at the last minute.



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I would just give it up as a lost case and store it away in my annals of 'people you do not do nice things for'.


In the first place, I've generally been screwed over so often through unreciprocated favours that I'd never agree to inconvenience myself for a week for mere acquaintances. But you did, so chalk it up to a learning experience, I guess.


I agree that they were TOTALLY underappreciative. If an acquaintance ever did that for me I would totally at least have a gift basket ready for him/her.

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Favors come with no strings attached from either side.


Otherwise its a task and a small job to undertake. I do favors for my friends and do tasks for my boss. Figure out ahead of time if its a favor or a task......

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