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im so down!!


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My boyfriend doesnt hit me but he scares me when he gets angry!! He has exes calling him and other girls calling him that hes met online, pics of them on his laptop, flirts with girls in front of me, call girl cards in his room he touches girls up whilst im about, adds loads of girls to his facebook and doesnt think its a prob. I go mad at him arguing, I get very paranoid when we are not together, i shout at him alot and get very angry then he turns at me.


When i shout at him he comes down to my house (100 miles) in a rage early hours of the morning sitting outside my front door, he has sat out side my house in a different car when i didnt know he was there. when im at his house and we are arguing he locks me in the bedroom with him and wont let me out, he turns the light off and shines a lamp in my face questioning me. I have ran from him twice. I have split with him loads off times but took him back because i love him and hes sorry. Hes been aggressive to my son once but dont really spk to them nice. He turned round to me in front of my son and said hes an ugly b**** isnt he hes only 6. We have split now because i couldnt take anymore he said he was gonna do me something so i got rid of him. When we are fine we ar so loved up and happy but when he does what he does these are the kind of things hes doing.


He wants us back together thats hes changed but i cant see this happening im so depressed.

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My boyfriend doesnt hit me but he scares me when he gets angry!! He has exes calling him and other girls calling him that hes met online, pics of them on his laptop, flirts with girls in front of me, call girl cards in his room he touches girls up whilst im about, adds loads of girls to his facebook and doesnt think its a prob. I go mad at him arguing, I get very paranoid when we are not together, i shout at him alot and get very angry then he turns at me.


When i shout at him he comes down to my house (100 miles) in a rage early hours of the morning sitting outside my front door, he has sat out side my house in a different car when i didnt know he was there. when im at his house and we are arguing he locks me in the bedroom with him and wont let me out, he turns the light off and shines a lamp in my face questioning me. I have ran from him twice. I have split with him loads off times but took him back because i love him and hes sorry. Hes been aggressive to my son once but dont really spk to them nice. He turned round to me in front of my son and said hes an ugly b**** isnt he hes only 6. We have split now because i couldnt take anymore he said he was gonna do me something so i got rid of him. When we are fine we ar so loved up and happy but when he does what he does these are the kind of things hes doing.



Just my view.


That this is happening to you and in a way it is abuse emotionally and, you should not have to take anything of the sort he should respect your feelings or care about enough to not hurt you or your son in any manner. I'm sure you son doesn't want his mom to be hurt in any manner boy's even young one's are protective of there mother's

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Please seek some abuse counseling and stay as far away from him as possible. Cut contact completely even if you have to change your email, phone or other ways he can contact you.


He treated your son like that? Your son will NEVER forget that you allowed someone to harm him and YOU have a responsibility to protect that child. This really pisses me off since I can't stand to see children hurt and abused. He doesn't give a damn about anyone Not YOU or himself.


Get some help please and I say that with all the respect in the world.

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Your son is going to be pissed when he becomes a teen. You should've never let that man abuse your son.

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Seriously, get away from this guy. The minute anyone disrespects you, leave. Hard to do, yes, but dont allow someone to treat you as a doormat, you will survive it i promise. You know this is not good for you or your son.. so bite the bullet and do what needs to be done ffor YOU.



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The good times don't justify the bad times. It will take you a few months, but you will find calm and happiness that doesn't depend on this guy. You're not paranoid: he is seeing other women. You are not a bad woman: you are in a bad situation. Your son will be traumatised by this as much as you are. Do not contact this man. This is bad for you and your son, and no amount of trying to make this man something he is not will work. Be good to yourself and your son.

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