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Please anyone help

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Today would have been my 4 1/2 year ann. with my boyfriend, but he broke up with me three weeks ago. Since the break up he has not spent time with anyone but a girl we went to high school with. I have always been very insecure about his relationship with her, even if they were just friends. Now he tells me that she is more than just friends but they have no commitment. I honestly beleive in my heart that he is the one and only for me and that I can't let him go. He does not see the same. During our last conversation he was rather upset with me and told me if he never spoke to me again that it would be fine with him. I called him to today and left him a message even though he told me not to. I have not seen him since July 4th, and he leaves for school next week. He knows how to reach me but he has not called. I guess my question is should I let him go and see what else life has to offer and push these feeling aside or follow through and chase after him? Any help would be greatly accepted, this break up has not had a great effect on me and I need help!!!!

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What would you expect to accomplish by chasing after him? No guy can love a girl who chases after him after he has told her not to bother him anymore. Put yourself in his place. What would you think if a guy kept after you once you told him to disappear?


If you don't just get on with your life and forget this guy, he will have absolutely no respect for you whatsoever. Don't call him ever again. Don't send him Email or snail mail or messages of any kind. Don't send him messages through friends. Cease every type or form of contact with him. Just put him in your hard drive and press the delete button. He is an OVER deal!!!


And for Gawd's sake, stop thinking about anniversaries with this guy. Why in heaven's name would you want to remember the 41/2 year anniversary of being with a guy who has dumped you for some sweety from high school?????


He told you if he never spoke to you again it would be fine, yet you believe he is the one and only for you in your life??? What school of logic did that come from??? Wow, how romantic.


I am so sorry this has happened to you. I know you feel great pain. But you won't get anywhere deluding yourself that this guy is more than the dork and scumbag that he is. He has clearly told you where you stand in his life...NOWHERE...Respect what he has told you.


There are just so many guys out there who would love you more than life and for whom you could share that love. Right now you are not interested because you are in pain...but I give you my unconditional guarantee you will be interested in the future. To devote one more second of thought to your ex is throwing away precious minutes on this planet you will never get again.


Why did you leave a message for him after he asked you not to call??? You must really enjoy making yourself feel like crap. There are so many other ways of making yourself feel bad other than calling a guy who told you NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT to call him. Don't ever call him again. He has said he doesn't want to speak to you so why should he return your calls.


Now, look to a bright future with a man who wants to be with you more than life itself. You will remember this post someday and you will look back and see just how foolish it was to want this guy back when you know that there was someone so much better for you, so much more dedicated and loving than your ex, just waiting for you to appear in his life.


Have patience, take some time to heal, get some sleep, eat well, and don't give this butthole another thought. It just isn't worth it. There is no sane, rational reason for wanting to be with someone who has clearly told you it is over. You'll see this and understand it more clearly with time...but please trust me for now.

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