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Fallen for a friend

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Hey Guys.


A few weeks ago I fell in love with my her. We've only been friends for like 2 months, but I really like her. The problem is, I don't know if she likes me back. I'm also not used to being so smitten over someone. Anyways, we do talk at school, but for a very short period (Maybe like 2 minutes) because we're in different grades, and she's always with her group of girl friends. When I do try to talk to her with her friends around, it becomes awkward. I also don't know the right words to say, my mind just blanks out.


Since the face to face didn't work out so well, I decided to add her on MSN a few days ago, so I can try to become closer to her. The problem is, we have very nice conversations, where both of us post long messages, but after a few minutes she just stops, and doesn't reply. I know she's not away, because she frequently changes her status message. She also occasionally just logs off during a conversation. I also sent her a happy valentines wish via text, but she didn't reply. When I thought all hope was lost, she just randomly came up to me, and gave me like a 5 second hug (I'm guessing friendship hug though).


I'm really confused guy, any help would be appreciated. May there still be a chance, or am I just wasting my time (Already stuck in friendship zone?)


Thanks :)

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