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Is he into me? Make move before he moves?

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So I need some hard, solid advice! I have a crush on my friend, but can't talk about it to many people since we are in a group and I don't want my feelings to make anyone feel uncomfortable.


I've liked him for about 5 months and he has given me some signs that he feels the same, but don't know if I'm reading too much into it. Here they are:


1) We went out for dinner one time and when he was leaving to the restroom he stopped in front of me and touched my knee. He's a very touchy person and his touches, I believe, are becoming more in delicate areas on my waist, shoulder. Even when we were sitting on the couch next to one another, he moved his leg so it would be touching my knee and seemed to do it because he wanted to touch me.


2) I said, "I'm likable" and he replied, "You're lovable"


3) He looks at me directly in the eye and I have even noticed him looking at me from across the room when there's no real reason. When it's just the two of us and we're having drinks, he'll make us do cheers and do the eye contact until our first sip (little corny, but cute at the same time).


4) He's somewhat flirty always gently kicking me, teasing me. Body language is positive where at dinner he'll lean in, pays attention to what I'm saying (even if it's a boring story).


5) He just got me a birthday present that even though it wasn't pricey was based on a conversation we had two months ago proving he does pay attention. He also treated me to dinner. Once he let me wear his jacket when I was cold and offered his hat another time we were outside and I was getting cold. Even today he noticed I was shivering and asked, "Are you cold?"


He even wants to meet my family! And when we are at a party, he always finds me and talks to me more than anyone else.


He might not like me based on that I'm always the first one to email, he doesn't always respond to every single email, I'm always the one to take the initiative to ask him out, but he's always up for dinner or a drink soon after my asking. He has also been on match.com, but has stopped, but took a friend up on her offer to set him up.


The sad part is we did get in a little tiff a few weeks ago (I think my tiredness of liking him and not getting anywhere) and it was totally stupid. We had dinner last night and he seemed to be a little distant, but warmed up during dinner (for instance, he almost took his first sip without doing the cheers). He also told me he has an interview on the other side of the country. Sad because even if we don't get together before he moves, I'm not sure how our friendship will last considering I'm always the first one to make the first move via email. :-(


Don't know what to do. I really do like him as a person and scared that if I were to share my feelings with him, he'll be embarrassed and it won't be the same.

Edited by Fixyou
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