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I have been obsessed.


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So, I really liked this guy and I was totally obsessed and that has seemed to have subsided. But the thing is, my friend is now inviting me to do things with him, just me and him. He's always invited me places before and I actually turned him down a couple times.


Yesterday, in class, he invited me to hang out with him after class just the two of us and I really enjoyed spending time with him. He's not all I think about anymore, but if he wanted it to go anywhere, I would welcome it. Everything is telling me that he likes me, but he has said in the past that he does not, but that was in the past.


He also invited me somewhere with him and a few friends, so like, he wants to hang out with me and talk to me all the time, but he doesn't like me? Doesn't make any sense.


This seems like a friendship that could turn into something and the truth is, I'm not sure if I want it to (right now). I'm kinda used to being single and I kinda like it. He would take up a lot of my time if we were to get together. I think maybe he is thinking that if he says he likes me, then I won't like him. Like he is playing a game or something. That's honestly how I felt, like he thinks "as soon as I let her know I like her, she's gonna back off" or something.


Well to be completely honest, I might...keyword, Might, with a capital M. I'm 26 and a virgin and I'm not sure I'm ready for a relationship with a guy. I mean, if he's a nice guy, he would never pressure me, but I mean, eventually that stuff would happen.


I think he's just taking things really slow and I really appreciate it. I also want a friend first, I don't like the same old ritual of "go out on date with guy/guy pays/kiss at the end of the night" and the "we are dating" bull crap. I want a real genuine friend first and I have actually told him this. I want to be comfortable around my guy and take things slow.


If that is what is happening, then awesome!


But despite the cynicalness I have about this, everything seems to be pointint to maybe he likes me or hasn't figured it out yet. I don't know.


I'm just gonna take it one day at a time. I'm in no hurry to be in a relationship, but I do enjoy his company and if he ever came to me and told me he liked me, I'd welcome it.


But I'm gonna let him be the guy and let him take the reigns, I'm not gonna pursue him anymore. That does not and will never work between the sexes, no matter how powerful women become in the working world, men and women don't change over decades and decades. Men still pursue women, etc.


I really don't care about anybodies opinion on that, either. If it differs from mine, that’s fine, but I have my own and don’t need to hear yours because it won’t change mine. You can try, but I'll just ignore it and move on. I was raised with a strong Christian background and spent a lot of time in church and I was taught that women do not pursue men and I believe it. I was also taught that men and women make horrible “friends”. I believe that as well.


Just like you should never ask a guy out, you should never tell them you like them. It just doesn't work that way. I told him I liked him way too soon and I think that was a mistake, but he seems to have forgiven me for it. lol


Anyway... I am happy he is wanting to spend time with me. He is including me in his circle of friends as well. He keeps hinting at wanting to spend time with me every time I see him as well. He has jokingly mentioned shopping with me and stuff 'cause he knows I'm a shopaholic, but to be completely honest, I don't think he was joking. He just said it in a funny way when he found out the limit on my credit card, he's like, "you've been holding out on me, when are we going shopping?!" but in all seriousness, if I took him up on it, I think he'd go and no, he would not expect me to pay. He has paid for me every time we've hung out, really little, inexpensive things, but still... I'd be willing to pay for him, too, or pay for myself, but he always just says "I got it."


anyway...I am perfectly happy having a male friend right now. He's my best and only male friend. Or at least, he's the only one I care to have. The rest of my male friends are no where near as attentive as him and I can't get any of them to hang out with me. So, I think this ones a keeper, even if he is just a friend. I'm enjoying having a male friend, period. I still kinda hope it turns into something, because I don't ever want him not in my life, but if it doesn't any time soon, I'm okay with it. I just want him in my life. I don't ever wanna say good bye. <3

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