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Young Kids Reations

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My youngest was four when we divorced last year and he did okay. Transitions were the most difficult, but now a year later he is just fine. My daughter was nine and it was hard on her but she is very verbal and had seen the ugly fights. So she just wanted it to stop. The most difficult was my 14 year old. He really struggled.

I don't think a child's reaction is a reason to try and make it work. If things are really that bad that you are thinking of divorce then it's not a healthy environment for the kids. Not sure if this helps or not. Good luck

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In my opinion, kids will always benefit from their parents staying together. Exception to perhaps to some significant form of abuse, and/or extreme conflict.


We all doubt our decision to stay and/or to go at times. . .


Try the book "Divorce Remedy," by Michelle Wiener-Davis, it will definitely give you a better perspective in regards to these things.


Good Luck to you and your family.

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