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My girlfriend is shy when in the company of strangers.. how can I help her?

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Last Friday we visited a bunch of friend/acquaintances of mine.. people there chatted about lots of things, others where playing games on a console, and we were playing (and making) some music.. in general, it was a fun evening..


However, I noticed that she was not very chatty and almost didn't say anything the entire evening, unless spoken to. She told me afterwards that she enjoyed herself, and that I shouldn't worry about her, but I do.. I would like her to have a carefree attitude towards others, for her to enjoy socializing, even with strangers, like I can/do.


How can I help her? I tried talking about it to her, but she keeps persisting that 'that is who she is'.. personally, I have something against stating that you are 'this and that', because a person is constantly changing, unless you stick too hard to who you believe you are.. (and stop growing)..


But anyway.. what can I do to help her talk about stuff to other people.. you know.. starting off with some superficial stuff, and ending up in a conversation which leaves you with lots of good questions about things in life.. the kinds of conversations that really matter :)


thnx for any help that you might give me..

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Is she like this with her friends too or just around yours???


If only around yours then she probably is feeling uneasy around them for some reason, so try to understand why, but if she is like this with hers too then maybe she is just one of those people who likes to listen more and talk less....to make someone change like that would be trying to change her personality which could start causing problems between you two soon. Especially if she feels you want her to be something other than what she is.

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