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Second round!


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I'm sure some of you might have seen me around in ls with a lot of relationship problems with my bf where now its reached the abusive level.


We got back together about 3 months ago trying to work things out once again. Everything has ben going great, we spend more time together than we ever had, we argue less than before and if we do argue it lasts for very little time. But when we drink...i guess you can say me and him are angry drunks and our buttons can be easily pushed when were under the influence.


There have ben 2 times where him and i have gotten physical and ive punched him, pulled his long hair, bit him,scratch him, choked him and he has slammed my head on the floor, hes choked me, he has pulled my hair, hes bit my face, hes scratched me while at the same time both crying. The first time it happened in my house about a couple months ago but we talked about it and apologized and promised that we will never talk about that day again or ever hurt each other like that ever. But the second time was just a couple days ago...while in the car in the highway. Again we were both drunk i saw texts of him and his baby mama and that's how it started. I ended up leaving him in the high way and his sisters bf picked him up later on.


He says were still together but his parents and everyone in his family are mad at me and don't want me in their house. They don't really know what happened. They just know i left him in the high way all scratched up. So basically to everyone i'm the witch. Now i am just having doubts as if to stay in this relationship. Ive always said to myself that i will never let any guy put his hands on me ....but right now its mutual....i guess i start the punching and it goes from there. Am i the one who's the abuser here and hes just defending himself? Or are we both at fault and should let each other go for good? Is there any way that we can prevent this from happening again if we stay together?.please i need advice...

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Uhhh...the no-brainer answer to me is...STOP DRINKING!!!


Seriously...both of you drunk and driving on the highway...arguing and hitting and scratching...all over a silly ass text.


Better yet...since it appears you are both toxic to each other...break up.

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