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why am i so unlucky when it comes to girls i like?

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hey people.id like to explain my situation before so that i can explain properly.


after my first and only relationship with a girl ended after seven months due to distance i took time toheal from the pain of us breaking up.that was in Spetember of last year and ive been on the look out for other girls.


i met some girls right after the break up and have made some good friends as a result.but the problem is they are mostly just friends and the ones i did like didnt like me that way.


however,that i dont have a problem with.it just seems that every girl i like seems to be either not interested or i just cant be with them.the last girl i was interested in i found today has a boyfriend and im losing hope.


i tend to be quite fussy when it comes to girls.i tend to like a certain type only.i like them to be reasonably clever,cute and have a kind personality.basically,im after the girl next door type.am i being naive or cant i afford to be picky?


i also liked this girl whom im a friend of and i thought she was really cute.however,i found out that she didnt like me in that way.


ive been told by many that im a very nice person and very sweey guy.im quite a considerate guy and im sure i could make a girl very happy.and no way am i a jerk or anything like that.so wats so unattractive about me?


im really annoyed because i think that im a nice guy and i just dont seem to get anywhere at all with girls.


any help plz??



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How many girls have you asked out since september? You can afford to be picky just realize you will have to wait longer.

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