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Friend lied about being back with ex

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A have a friend (female) who split from her partner over a year ago. Well just around xmas she started to say things in conversation that made me think they had got back together. I didn't say anything because it isn't really any of my business but as time went on she told me he was staying with her because he wanted to see more of the kids (he only lives down the road) and then she told me he is sharing her bed, but they haven't done anything, there not back togther. (Yeah right!)


I have recenly noticed on some photos of her on her facebook account and she appears to be wearing an engagment or even wedding ring.


They were engaged before they split up so I am assuming they are back on again.


I dont understand why she hasn't told me and lied about things. Its not like I am that bothered and I asked her, she came out and told me. Seems a bit odd.

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Well, if she ever badmouthed him, complained about him, told you he was a no-good jerk and that she was glad they'd broken up, and confirmed she could survive pretty much without him, thanks a lot - she's going to look like either a two-faced liar or a doormat who can't say 'no'....

You think?

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This is the pseudo-friend that you lent all the money to, right? Well, she hasn't told you that she is back with her ex, because she 1) doesn't want you to know that she has more ready cash to pay you back with 2) has someone who is helping her with her kids on a regular basis, monetarily and physically and 3) wants to keep you dangling on a string.

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( I really should remember to do more OP thread searches.....) :D

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I had a feeling someone would assume its my escort friend, no its not her.


Yes she did bad mouth him, she told me about how he treated her and she said she would never get back with him even though she still loved him.


God knows.

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Well I think that would be it then.

I mean, how much of an idiot does she sound, now....?

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I have recenly noticed on some photos of her on her facebook account and she appears to be wearing an engagment or even wedding ring.

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