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Haven't spoken in months... should I send her a birthday greeting?

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Hi all... My ex-girlfriend and I had a rough break-up about 1.5 years ago. We tried to remain friends but cut off all contact about 8 months ago. It will be her birthday in a few days and I was thinking of sending her an email to wish her a happy birthday... Something like this...


Happy 24th Birthday. I hope life is treating you wonderfully!!


I would hope that the gesture clears the air between us after the rough breakup.. any thoughts?

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Don't send it. But if you must send it like this: Happy 24th Birthday.

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Thanks hurtandconfused... two questions:


1. Why shouldn't I send it?

2. Why should I only write "Happy 24th Birthday"?

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I think you should send it.


I'm a girl, and I think I would be hurt if my ex didn't aknowlege/remember my birthday. Especially, if the person was pretty imortant to you and vice-versa. You are not out anything by sending a card. It is a nice gesture and it shows you still care about her and/or her well-being as a friend. I think what you wrote is perfect.

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1. You guys were the past. By sending the card what are you expecting in return? Unless you are trying to get back with her I see no need in sending it. However if you are over your ex and wish to become friends again yes send the card.


2. Make it simple. Do you really hope that life is great on her side? Or are you wondering if she's miserable without you?

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