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just a little heartsick


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Well, how about an update. Things have been going better. After two days he called me. During those two days he went out with the girl he had met earlier. Unfortunately, he lied to me about it at first, then confessed later. He says when he tried to kiss her, he couldn't. He stopped anything from happening and sent her home. Then he called me and we got back together. Everything has been wonderful. I think. I know I have to trust him. He says he doesn't want to see her again because it wasn't right. He feels guilty and he apologized for lying and cheating. But we were on a break so it really wasn't cheating was it? Everyone says he is just trying to see how he feels about me by doing what he did. After all, he did come back. I only found out that they went out last night, its already a week later and she hasn't called since. My friends say he probably told her the truth about me and that's why she hasn't called. Good! I love him conpletely and I'm not really jealous b/c I know how he feels about me but isn't ready to admit it yet. I am giong to trust him completely and love him unconditionally, I believe that goods things come to those who wait, are patient, have faith, and are willing to open themselves up and bare their soul. Am I right?

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You write: "I know I have to trust him. He says he doesn't want to see her again because it wasn't right. He feels guilty and he apologized for lying and cheating. But we were on a break so it really wasn't cheating was it?"


Nah, I don't reckon. Why couldn't I have ever found a lady like you, so forgiving, so willing to turn the other cheek, so ready to accept whatever I did??? You are a saint!!!

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