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Is this a big deal?

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Hey folks, been a while since I came by here.


I'm not sure if this is a good place to ask but how does one get over being seriously embarressed? I've always had a problem with depression and I'm seriously feeling it right now because I totally made myself look like a complete fool in front of my crush. Long story short I've been into her since September and haven't done anything to talk to her because I know she'll reject/dislike me and because she has a boyfriend. She was standing over a desk next to mine and I accidentally touched her butt when I stretched my hands out to get out of the seat...


We're friends on facebook so she knows that I'm aware of her boyfriend, and I totally creeped her out now. I didn't believe there'd be a chance anyway but now she must be disgusted with me :( Am I overannalyzing this? Is it not a big deal? Or should I just get a gun to my head, because that's how I'm honestly feeling right now. :/

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Seems like you're making a big thing of something that was an accident. I assume you apologised at the time, if she seemed bothered? If so, no point dwelling on it any more. What makes you think she was creeped out anyway? If you are depressed, then more than likely you are reading the worst into every situation, especially one that matters to you.


Just be your normal self with the woman. If you treat it as an accident, then I see no reason why she wouldn't either. If you keep staring at her to see how she's reacting, or apologise too much, or generally pay too much attention to her, then she might think you're being weird. Just treat her as a best mate and she'll pick up the vibe that it's no big deal.


You think you've embarassed yourself with that, but honestly it is nothing compared to what some people go through in life through no fault of their own. Life is too short to worry about these things. To help put it in proportion, there are parents who've been wrongly accused of murdering their child, simply because no-one can find the child or the abductor. How would you have coped with something like that? Not many could. Seriously, your minor contact with this woman is as nothing compared with something like that. If she took it seriously and was offended, then she's obviously not the woman for you anyway.


If you treat people in a light-hearted, friendly manner, then for the most part they will respond the same. Don't get hung up and get too serious about little things, because that can seem creepy. Have fun, and let people laugh with you instead.

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Eddie Edirol

Own it, and make a joke about it. Also, you cant look at her like you are still embarrased. Do not look at her and keep moving like nothing bothers you. Theres NO reason for you to be embarrassed.

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Yeah, I definitly got a bit overboard with this whole thing. Although, she is looking at me a lot more for some reason. It makes me a bit uncomfortable, mostly because I don't know what it means, if she has similar feelings for me (highly, incredibly unlikely) or if she's trying to gauge me.

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Being embarressed is a natural occurance when one oversteps a natural boundary. Take it in stride as a validation you are human and made an oppsey! A lady knows the difference between that type of gesture verses groping. I doubt you meant her any disregard, so strike it up as a learning experience and be safe in knowing that humans can sometimes overstep a boundary and still live to see another day. Consider the new day as an opportunity to move forward from it.

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Eddie Edirol
Yeah, I definitly got a bit overboard with this whole thing. Although, she is looking at me a lot more for some reason. It makes me a bit uncomfortable, mostly because I don't know what it means, if she has similar feelings for me (highly, incredibly unlikely) or if she's trying to gauge me.


Dont be uncomfortable when she looks at you. Wear the bump like a badge of honor. If she looks at you, look at her back as if to say "gonna keep lookin eh? You must want more." Doesnt mean you mean it, but dont be a wimp about it.

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