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A quiet girl

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Heya, little ol' me again with another relationship question.


There is (was?) a close friend that has been acting wierd for the past few weeks. She is quiet most of the time now, like she is off in the distance thinking about something, and when I ask her a question she deflects it or just says stuff/things/ or other non-descript phrases. It started when during a discussion (internet im's) with another one of my friends (also a friend of the quiet one) who said that quiet one liked me more then friends. I mentioned that I had just been thru a rough (drawn-out) rejection and that it probally won't work so soon. Ever since then quiet one has been acting that way, quiet. I tried to ask her why she stopped talking so suddenly and she just said stuff.. ?!


Some side-notes: I would consider going out with her now if she wasn't being so quiet since I think I have regained most of my emotional stability. She still does stuff with me, she's not physically avoiding me, just intellectually.

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Just be yourself, this will pass. Why don't you just ask her out???


As a matter of fact, if she's such a good friend, why don't you explain all the details of your feelings about the recent rejection to her, just like you explained to the others. And let her know you feel now you are ready to get out and date again. Then, of course, ask her if she's busy Friday or Saturday night.

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Ok, you have a mutual friend that knows her well enough to know that she liked you more than friends before. What about asking him if he has seen any of the same behavior. Perhaps this girl is going through a rough one and that behavior is universal. That would be the first thing that i would do. Knowing that bit of info will give you a lot more insight. Then, it depends as to her answer what I would do next. Sorry, Just need more info. her being so vague just makes the crystal ball really cloudy.

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Sorry bout not dropping this into the first post but it wasn't really on my mind at the moment (although it probally should have been).


The mutual friend is under "restriction", as she is still living at home she still has to follow the rules of the home. I have tried contacting her but to no avail. Thats one of the reasons I came to the board was because I wasn't able to find out from her what was going on, I hoping the boards my be able to clue me in on something more that I might be missing since I am fairly inexperienced with interhuman social interactions and pretty much all I know is from the last four years of my life and what I have researched at the local library and web.

Ok, you have a mutual friend that knows her well enough to know that she liked you more than friends before. What about asking him if he has seen any of the same behavior. Perhaps this girl is going through a rough one and that behavior is universal. That would be the first thing that i would do. Knowing that bit of info will give you a lot more insight. Then, it depends as to her answer what I would do next. Sorry, Just need more info. her being so vague just makes the crystal ball really cloudy.
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Sounds like she has a good old fashioned crush on you and her quietness stems from being tongue tied. As someone who recently admitted to a close friend how I feel about him, I know the feeling! Just be patient with her, and continue to spend time with her. If she really does have feelings for you, I'm sure with a little time and patience on your part, they will come out.


Or, if patience isn't your thing, why not ask her out? You already have it from a reliable source that she likes you. Take the chance and jump in!

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