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I can't get my avatar to fit properly, can somebody help?


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I can not get my picture to fit as an avatar. Any tips? I have cropped the picture down to my nose..haha j/k but you get the point. It was a full picture of myself and its down to only my face...I tried saving it as jpg. and bmp. jpg is much smaller but it still does not fit. :cool:

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I have no clue, but I'm looking forward to finding out how to do this myself!


I'm looking forward to seeing what you look like. It's neat to be able to see everyone!

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Click on whatever folder your images are on.

Then right click mouse and click edit.

Click on image.

Then click on Atributes.


Set pixels to 100/100.

Now you should see a square shaped to 100/100 pixels.

Next click file.

Then click open the folder you have your image/images saved on.


Now click on an image.

Right click mouse and click copy.

Then go to Atributes and set size 100/100 pixels.

Now click paste in your 100/100 square.


If this does not work,let me know and I'll try to help in whatever way I can.



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H&C....Right now you look like a very sexy lightbulb! LMAO! I had a hard time getting a pic to fit myself.

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it isnt that hard i did it for him, ill do it for all of you, i like it, besides it helps fill my LS pic collection.

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Well....don't resize any of the dirty pics I sent you BABY.....just wait till I send you a family friendly one! HAHAHAHA! Really, I'll send you one.

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Originally posted by Arabess

Well....don't resize any of the dirty pics I sent you BABY.....just wait till I send you a family friendly one! HAHAHAHA! Really, I'll send you one.



i only make them bigger.

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