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I need advice!!!

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There is this guy that I really like alot. I have known him for 3 weeks, and he knows I like him, and I know that he likes me, because he told me. The only thing is, he's already in a relationship. He doesn't really want to be, because she puts him through hell everytime they talk, but a while back before things got rough, he gave her a promise ring, and he feels like he can't do nothing about it. I told him that I would wait for him forever, and he told me that hopefully I wouldn't have to, but still he feels obligated to her. Is there anyone who can give me advice to tell him. I mean, I know how I feel, and I know how he feels, just he says he's waiting on a sign from God telling him what to do. So any help would be great.





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Look, I know that love can be confusing. Just ask anyone here and they will attest to that. Anyway, I am going to be blunt. People fall in and out of love every day. I really believe that if this guy truly cared for you like he says. he would grow a set of balls (sorry for the vulgarity) rather than just doing nothing. I believe that this guy may be trying to have his cake and eat it too. I hope that I am wrong. It won't be the first time. that is just my take on things

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Unless this guy is really mentally challenged, he won't do what he doesn't want to do. People don't go where they don't want to go unless there's a gun to their head.


If you want a man who stays in a relationship where he gets hell everyday; when things get tough he gives her a promise ring; he tells another girl (you) he really likes her but can't do anything about it because he feels so obligated to the girl that puts him through hell everyday, just wait around for this guy. You have found your man.


This dude is leading you on big time. You are his insurance policy so when he gets enough of this girl in a few months or a few years, he can jump right into your lap.


I also think you are barking up the wrong tree around a man who has to wait for signs from God before he makes decisions. That's really scarry. God is busy enough with the upcoming presidential campaign and hurricane season. One day you will understand that God speaks to us in many different ways and it is our own decision to listen or not to listen. God has already given this man a sign...and he responded by giving his girlfriend a promise ring.


Dominus Vobiscum.

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on a side note she did say that this guy gave the girl the promise ring before things got rough. It seemed that a part of your argument was based on his giving the ring because of the hell he put her through.


I am not sure that it matters. I think that your advice still rings true. Just thought that you might want to know.

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the infamous Emps



You might wonder why I'm screaming and being an overall maniac...You know why? because when I read your post I started having flashbacks of me and Judy. Yo, if you know what's good for you tell money straight up "Yo dog, either you dump your shorty and get with me, or we can't talk anymore" you might wanna rephrase it though...Either way, please don't do it to yourself and get involved with this dude just to have your heart shattered and set on fire and tossed out the window like this chick did to me...Right now Judy has a glass jar with my heart in it labeled "Emps' Heart (what a loser!)". Bottom line, tell this dude to leave the chick if what he really wants is you, if he's iffy for even a second then that means he wants to be with her and not you. Trust me mami I got all that "but baby, I feel obligated" bulls*** too. It ain't true, it's a load of crap. Call me bitter or whatever you want, I'm just a battered soldier in this war called love...wow that sounded almost Shakesperean! I am so fresh!







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Thank you for your response. I know I'm probably in way over my head, but I guess I can tell him that. I will be straight up with him. Thanks alot. I'm sorry about Judy. That's gotta blow. Anyway, thanks again.



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Thanks for your info. I appriciate it. I'm going to talk to hiim tonight and tell him how I feel. Like he should leave her. And that it's just a ring. Anyway, thanks for your help.

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Thanks for your advice. Hopefully it will help me in the long run. I'm just really confused right now.


I think he is leading me on, but with good intentions, he just hasn't figured out how to do anything about it yet. The nice way anyway. They've been fighting more, so I think it's gonna end. SOON. Anyway, Thanks again. I'll keep what you said in mind.



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