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what to do,what to do?


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how do you get a guy to be interested in what you are saying. i'm serious, my boyfriend of over two years is more interested in talking to his brother and friends about football, baseball any sports crap then he is with me about how our days went. i am starting to hate him coming home, what for to sit and watch him watch t.v.? i almost feel better when he is not home, at least i can relax more. he comes home and wants to relax the whole evening away. if we go somewhere it is the same way, it seems like something is always distracting him. i've turned off the radio in the car but then felt so self conscious i couldnt' even say anything anyway. that bites. what holds a guys interest? besides sports? is there a way to talk to them so you can get something more out of them then a grunt? i am starting to feel better off without him and he has no clue. i don'twant to leave him cause we have nothing to talk about, well i do, but he don't seem interested in hearing anything i say. i have even tried to be more animated as i know i am very monotone and that can be really boring. so what can i do? help, please. this is hurting me, nothing like pure rejection, huh?

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If the two of you aren't able to talk about anything, you really don't have a relationship. I am surprised that you put up with this for two years. Did you just realize the problem or did it just get bad?


Two people who are just naturally compatible really find it hard to stop talking to each other.


Sit with him and make a list of things he likes to talk about besides sports. Then become familiar with those topics and let him know you want to start interacting more with him. You really need to tell him just how critical this is and if it doesn't get better you are out of there. I mean, give him a chance, don't just spring a break-up on him all of a sudden.


If he doesn't work to have more interaction with you, then I suggest you consult a counsellor on other strategies for making your relationship work.


Right now, you don't really have anything with him. You are hardly roomies. You could walk away from this whole deal and not miss a thing. Come to think of it, why are you around this guy anyway?

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the infamous Emps

when you try talking him...no matter what it is you're talkin about...there is always one thing that works to get a man's attention...and that is for you to, when you speak be..........NAKED! hehe, you liked how I built up to that right?...oh boy...anyway, seriously, you should find out what he likes besides sports, if you guys have an active sex life, try getting him to talk about that. Sex is one of the few things that can hold a dude's attention for a good while. If not, then just take the radio out of the car and go on a long ass roadtrip, then start talking about graffiti. Well, maybe not graffiti, but whatever interests YOU...Maybe he'll get into what YOU like, and if he doesn't, maybe he'll hate it and talk to YOU to try to get YOU to shutup about it in which case YOU can start a convo about something else cuz you've already got the ball rolling! woooooooord!





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